
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 21, 2023

YOURSAY | KJ is a spokesperson for PN


YOURSAY | ‘Please don’t interpret the severity of the offence by one or two Rs.’

KJ: Sanusi swiftly charged over one ‘R’, Guan Eng accused of violating two

RedCobra1259: Khairy Jamaluddin, it is so surprising that you could assume that two Rs (race and religion) deserve more attention than one R (royalty). That is not how the law defines the severity of an offence. There are several factors that determine the weight of the offence. It is not one or two.

Secondly, mentioning temples will automatically involve the second R (religion). It’s a package deal, sir. Royalty is a standalone, separate institution. Someone can also claim attacking the royalty is also attacking another R (religion) as the royalties are deemed the defenders of the federation’s official religion.

Thirdly, what can we say about your comments? You are now the official spokesperson for Perikatan Nasional (PN). You are using the talk show to speak for PN so you will speak with a biased view as proven by the first and second points above.

Anyway, please don’t interpret the severity of the offence by one or two Rs. Logic says it does not work this way. What a poor assessment.

FairMind: Khairy, are you sure that caretaker Kedah menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor only violated one R and not three Rs altogether, including the remark that the Federal Constitution states that Penang is part of Kedah?

Either you just came out of the cave, or you are PN’s man. I have always viewed you as a prime minister candidate but you are beginning to become inconsistent with your educated background in line with PAS’ consistent fitnah (slander).

It is understandable that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang is ailing and Sanusi is trying to be tough like Hadi was when he was young. It appears that Sanusi is jostling to become the next president of PAS when Hadi leaves or at least, he wants to be thrust into the inner circle of power.

JW: Khairy is just trying to stay relevant and get people to tune in to his radio programme. The sedition charges against Sanusi are quite clear. If Khairy cannot discern the clarity, then he obviously has an agenda that clouded his thinking.

The two Rs against DAP national chairperson Lim Guan Eng have raised issues. China Press, for one, had said their report was not correctly translated into Malay. Sanusi’s speech was in Malay.

According to MalaysiaNow, Lim had said “If the Green Wave doesn’t like the temples they see, they would destroy it. But as long as Penang remains the same, people can still worship the gods and Buddha.”

Lim used a conditional “if”. That is a big difference. Khairy was an Oxford graduate. Surely, he could understand that. Furthermore, was it not true that Sanusi had demolished a Hindu temple in Kuala Kedah and cancelled the public holiday for Thaipusam?

OrangePanther1466: Khairy, I am very disappointed with your comments. Sanusi clearly insulted the Selangor sultan and should not be left off the hook by a mere apology, which will set a bad precedent.

Lim, on the other hand, merely opined what PN could do if they came to power based on Sanusi’s actions in allegedly destroying Hindu temples in Kedah. How is that seditious when you quote a precedent?

On the other hand, you and your co-host in the radio programme Shahril Hamdan discussed these allegations, saying it was clearly a political ploy when no proper context is given.

GreenGuppy5137: Heh Keluar Sekejap (radio programme), do not pretend to be impartial and at the same time sit up there talking baloney.

Why are you fellows so quick in judging Lim while numerous others from the other side have been continuously harping on race and religion as if the non-Malay communities in the country are totally devoid of any rights? Have you listened to their ceramah (political talk) on YouTube, TikTok, and other social media?

When we hear too much of all this nonsense, of course, many of us are worried and agitated. I believe whatever Lim said is the natural reaction to our concerns. If not mistaken, I think he was quoting the actual incident which happened in Kedah.

Once, I was thinking Khairy could be a good prime minister material, but no more.

GreenBear2094: No wonder Umno booted Khairy out. He has selective memory or knowledge. Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain has already said that the police have tried contacting Sanusi several times but he rejected those calls.

Observing Lim’s political career as a politician and chief minister of Penang, he would cooperate if the same calls were to be made to him. The context and issues of these cases are different. A right-thinking person will be able to identify it.

Well, Khairy has already stated his support is for PN. So, whatever he says in his Keluar Sekejap programme, his views are for PN. Good luck to him.

Righteousness4All: Khairy and Shahril seem to be very confused or otherwise. If both of them agreed that Sanusi indeed insulted the Selangor sultan, then both of them should be taken to task for seemingly supporting the caretaker Kedah menteri besar on the issue.

If they couldn’t understand, the statement is a clear-cut insult and violation of the law against a sultan, not a commoner. The immediate priority must be given to immediately arrest the issue and not to delay. In short, it must be fast-tracked but with accuracy and procedure.

The sultan is the ruler of the state of Selangor. Khairy and Shahril, please get this basic priority into your skull.

Lastly, Lim did not degrade, insult and, or disrespect the sultan. The case must be investigated too but shall take a temporary back seat to Sanusi’s case.

We must always respect and, or love our rulers and parents, especially when we are Malaysians in Malaysia. - Mkini

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