
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 22, 2024


 I received the following from Mr Waythamoorthy of the Malaysian Advancement Party. It is a short message about Indians.

 ``"...I call for an urgent round table among all Indian political parties and leaders..."```

Indian political parties must unite to stop the madness of the government taking Indians for a ride.

Indians in this country are much more politically aware than 15 years ago. What is obvious and blatantly clear is the game being played by the government, be it the previous BN or the current PH-led government. Blueprints after blueprints aren't going to solve the people's problems. The Indians are tired of politicking and would support a common agenda for a practical and comprehensive socio-economic program.

There are enough Indian parties in both coalitions' but what appears clear is the government isn't moving the agenda for the Indian poor.

The time is now ripe for Indian parties to develop a common agenda to ensure the real, practical, and comprehensive implementation of the Indian agenda laid out clearly in the Hindraf Blueprint and the MIC-initiated Malaysian Indian Blueprint (MIB).

There have been many deviations and infighting among the Indian political parties. The "divide and rule" principle applied by the political establishment has been successfully devised to create problems among us, thus forsaking the community.

I call for an urgent round table among all Indian political parties and leaders, including those without parties currently, to find a common ground to present to the government.

It does not matter who takes the lead in organising this round table. MAP would be willing to participate and contribute for the sake of the marginalised Indian community.

Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy
Malaysian Advancement Party



My Comments : Here is my view. This is not going to work. Indians will never and cannot unite politically. The differences and the gaps within the Indian community are far too many and quite beyond being bridged.

And to try to get Indian political parties to agree on something as wide ranging as 'Hindraf Blueprint' or 'MIC Blueprint' is just an invitation for more shouting, raising voices, disagreement and more divisions in the community. They will break up even more. 

Avoid big, huge macro issues like "blueprints". Instead pick just one item that affects Indians and other Malaysians as well, make it the only item on the agenda and then unite on just that one item.  

So there will be no need for the too many Indian political parties to give up or 'adjust' their different political philosophies. Which is a recipe for disaster anyway - because that just wont happen. 

But if you choose just one "line item" there is a much higher chance that all Indian political parties can come together to discuss just one common item. And set yourselves a time frame (say one year or six months) to achieve the objective.

May I make a suggestion.  Sarawak has already announced that they will soon be removing all race based quotas for entry into government universities in Sarawak. 

Why not pursue this single item agenda? Let the Indian parties come together and ask the gomen to abolish all race based quotas for entry into gomen universities.

The Indian parties inside the gomen can work quietly with the gomen to achieve this objective. The Indian parties outside the gomen can also do their part to achieve the same objective. 

I am sure all Indian parties can agree and unite on the matter of abolishing race based quotas for entry into gomen universities? MAP or MIC or any other Indian party need not sacrifice your political philosophy  or your political identity to cooperate on abolishing race based quotas for entry into gomen universities. 

That is my suggestion. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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