
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 21, 2024


 I got wind of this article from Murray Hunter. I am reproducing only  a portion of it. The writer has mentioned names which I have deleted. My comments in blue. The original article has garnered over 28,000 views. Murray says Salleh Kamil is a pen name.

By Salleh Kamil
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: 

  • In the realm of societal leadership, a dysfunctional elite emerges 
  • as a group entrusted with authority and influence
  • yet failing in their fundamental duties towards the wider community
  • These elites, whether in politics, business, or academia, exhibit a malaise 
  • that hampers their effectiveness and betrays their solemn responsibilities.

(OSTB : There are absolutely no such things as Social Contracts - a stupid phrase possibly cooked up by these same elites to whip up racial hatreds. And most certainly there is absolutely no Social Contract binding these elites to anything. To assume such a thing would be the heights of childish simplicity. They are in it for their own gain. "Dua untuk aku, kau punya aku tak tahu lah").

Dysfunctional Malay Elites are largely responsible for the current malaise afflicting Malaysia. 

  • First and foremost, a dysfunctional elite tends to prioritize personal gain and power over the common good.  
  • They succumb to the allure of self-interest, often resorting to corruption or favoritism to perpetuate their privileged status. 
  • This self-serving ethos breeds cynicism and disillusionment among the populace, eroding the very foundations of trust and solidarity.
Furthermore, accountability eludes the grasp of such elites
shielded from the repercussions of their actions by a cloak of impunity
They operate with scant regard for ethical boundaries 
or the well-being of society
perpetuating a culture of entitlement and moral laxity
  • Short-sightedness plagues the decision-making of dysfunctional elites 
  • fixated on immediate gratification at the expense of long-term sustainability. 
  • personal gain blinds them to the broader implications of their actions
  • sacrificing the welfare of future generations on the altar of expediency

(OSTB : I think this is the nature of pirates. Or monkeys. You place a five kilo bunch of bananas in front of a skinny one kilogram monkey and he will try to stuff the whole five kilos inside his mouth. That is the nature of monkeys. Why did you do that? Why did you - yes YOU - give them so much power to steal? At the end of the day my friend, it is your ignorance that enriches them).  

  • Moreover, an air of insularity pervades the ranks of dysfunctional elites 
  • insulated from the realities and struggles of ordinary citizens. 

Dwelling in the civil service, government linked corporations (GLCs) or echo chambers, they remain detached from the aspirations and grievances of the populace, sowing seeds of discord and resentment.

(OSTB : Even the wife never called him Bossku. But there were quite a few Malays who did that. Did he put a gun to your head and force you to call him 'Bossku'? No he did not. You dived into the snake pit of your own free will. You are the stupid people).  

  • Ultimately, systemic injustices persist under the watch of dysfunctional elites 
  • perpetuating inequalities and disenfranchising marginalized groups. 
  • They resist reforms that threaten their entrenched privilege
  • perpetuating a status quo that stifles progress and perpetuates social divisions

We are truly blessed with dysfunctional elites who possess impaired judgment, luckily, there are not very many of them around. Ultimately in order to reinvigorate Malaysia. We must get rid of deadwood civil servants. State owned enterprises ought to be revamped. Roles of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) re-evaluated, amongst others. Only then can the aspirations of a new Malaysia be truly realised.

(OSTB : The question is for how much longer? Sampai bila lagi will you be stupid? Because this is a democracy. In a democracy it is you who will choose who you want to stand on your shoulders and piss on your head. Why blame others when it is you who keep supporting these pirates and elites who have no other interests except their own self interests. Jangan salahkan orang lain. It is your fault. In a democracy where every man has only one vote it is ALWAYS your fault. This is the price of being ignorant).

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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