
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, September 24, 2010

Shahidan Shafie stripped naked

Malaysia Today, as part of its national service, has just helped the MACC join the dotted lines to enable them to take action against Tajudin Ramli. This time around if the MACC still does not pursue this lead then not only should Abu Kassim resign but also the whole MACC should be disbanded and closed down.


Bukit Aman Deep Throat

While Malaysians were celebrating Malaysia Day on 16th September (and Muslims still celebrating the 6th day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri), Shahidan Shafie and his wife, Puan Mazlifah Abdullah, had to grieve over the loss of their second son, Mohd Shazwan Shahidan, who was badly injured in a car accident on the road leading from Genting Highlands at about 3.40am. An injured Shazwan was brought to the Selayang Hospital for treatment but succumbed to the injuries and died at about noon that same day.

By late morning, many of Shahidan’s close friends had converged at the Selayang Hospital. Amongst the more famous faces were the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail, former MAS Chairman, Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli, and Dato’ Nawawi Ismail, the Deputy Director of the Commercial Crimes Investigation Dept (CCID) PDRM. Also present were the AG’s Chambers’ Head of International Division, Dato’ Azailiza, and several other senior officers of the AG’s Chambers.

The outpouring of condolences and sympathies brought little to comfort Mazlifah who was oblivious to the big names that were present. Only four years ago, just one week before Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Shahidan and Mazlifah had lost her youngest son in another road accident. This is time around it was one week after Hari Raya.

It is very tragic to lose two sons around Ramadan and Hari Raya and this was just too much for Mazlifah to bear.

It was very touching to see a more human side to AG Gani Patail and his wife who were seen sharing the grief of Shahidan’s family. They stayed beside them from the hospital until the body was brought back home and then to the surau for sembahyang jenazah, and thereafter for the burial at the Danau Kota Muslim cemetery.

The AG Gani Patail and his wife even abandoned the Malaysia Day celebration in Sabah to be beside their friend. This is very poignant and speaks of the true value of friendship. The presence of the AG ensured that the best treatment and service was given by the hospital staff and eased the pain and sorrow suffered by the grieving parents. The presence of the AG also ensured that the cortege was given ‘royal treatment’ with an escort of police outriders when the body was transported from the hospital.

At the cemetery, more senior officers of the AG’s Chambers were seen attending the funeral. One could be forgiven for thinking that a senior official of the AG Chambers or the Judiciary had passed away.

So who is Shahidan Shafie and why was his son’s funeral given the same status as that of a Mafia Don?

Malaysia Today’s readers will probably remember the earlier report about the MD of MASKargo, Shahari Sulaiman, lodging a report with the MACC about the collusion between the Commercial Crimes Investigation Dept (CCID) PDRM with the AG Chambers to NFA (no further action) the police reports made by MAS against Tajudin Ramli.

Instead of investigating Shahari’s report, the MACC referred the matter back to the CCID and thus exposed the MAS employees to retaliatory actions by the Police. Out of that fear, MAS instructed its solicitors to complain to the MACC Advisory Panel and the Special Committee on Corruption.

Until now, nothing more has been heard of this matter although the MACC Chief Commissioner, Dato’ Sri Abu Kassim, made a public pledge that he “will resign if cases against big fishes are not investigated”. These are not Malaysia Today’s words. This is Abu Kassim’s own pledge. Muslims should be very careful when making pledges or sumpah as they may end up “termakan sumpah” i.e. divine retribution for not fulfilling their pledges.

In RPK’s earlier posting he had shown that, after Tajudin fell out of favour, Shahidan Shafie emerged as Tajudin’s front man in Tajudin’s new and continuing business ventures. Tajudin could not use his brother, Bistamam Ramli, or Bistamam’s wife, Rizana Daud. Their names are just too recognisable as they are just too close to him. Tajudin needed someone who can be trusted. Like the Italian and Sicilian mafias, that someone had to be a family member, and he also has to be a smooth operator.

These are the exact qualities possessed by Shahidan Shafie.

Shahidan is the cousin of Rizana Daud, wife of Bistamam Ramli, and one time supremo Company-Secretary of MAS when Tajudin was plundering the national airline company. The fact that Shahidan is the camouflage used by Tajudin was made public by Tajudin’s own lawyers in the letters that Malaysia Today published recently (see – Tajudin Ramli will not be enjoying his Raya).

You see, after the MAS fiasco, Tajudin needed to camouflage his activities. That was why when Tajudin sued MAS in Germany for Euro 63 million (RM300 million), he used a German company called ACL GmbH, which in turn is owned by a BVI (British Virgin Island) company called Dannur, which in turn is owned by Shahidan’s brother-in-law, a Canadian named Kerry Morris.

Now, Shahidan has a very interesting past. He is a former policeman who was once the Officer-in-Charge of Secret Societies in JB. In 1990, he was charged for corruption for releasing some gangsters for a fee. Through his ACA (now MACC) contacts, he managed to get an acquittal.

He was briefly with Ayer Molek Bhd with the special task to covertly work to secure favorable decisions. His company was awarded the court electronic recording system. He was also the hidden hand in that famous case bearing Ayer Molek’s name where Justice NH Chan wrote a damning judgment about the goings on in the courts which was then located at the Denmark House by quoting Hamlet that “Something is rotten in State of Denmark!”.

Shahidan also had a hand in the raid of the office of the former EPU Director-General, Tan Sri Abul Hassan, who went on to become the Governor of Bank Negara as his ‘reward’ for getting caught with his pants down. Even Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Finance Minister II, complained to friends of his fear of Shahidan. This is because Shahidan knew a lot of Nor Mohamed’s dealings while he was Chairman of Abrar Holdings Bhd, which subsequently went bust.

With all these experiences, Shahidan burrowed deeper underground and became a much more effective wheeler-dealer. Like all the recent crooks that have surfaced, Shahidan also has a legal firm. But Shahidan was more potent than VK Linggam because VK Linggam talks too much when he gets drunk. He is also far smarter than the two lawyer brothers, Dato’ Pathma and Surender, the mastermind killers of cosmetic giant, Dato’ Sosilawati.

Shahidan gives an appearance that he is a philanthropist and cuts an almost family man and highly religious figure. And he is not title crazy like Dato’ VK Linggam or Dato’ Pathma. With all his police experience, he knows that he is far more effective by being low profile. He is the sort of Don Corleone type you see in the God Father movies.

Now, does that explain why Shahidan is so valuable to AG Gani Patail to the extent that Gani would abandon the Malaysia Day celebrations in Sabah to be with his newfound bosom buddy, Shahidan Shafie? And would that also explain why the AG’s girlfriend, the Head of International Division, Dato’ Azailiza, and several other senior officers of the AG’s Chambers, were also there? Since when did they become close to Shahidan and over what matter?

And, more importantly, does that now explain why the CCID and AG’s Chambers closed the case against Tajudin and marked the file NFA?

Malaysia Today, as part of its national service, has just helped the MACC join the dotted lines to enable them to take action against Tajudin Ramli. This time around if the MACC still does not pursue this lead then not only should Abu Kassim resign but also the whole MACC should be disbanded and closed down. The MACC would have shown itself to be as useless as its creator, ex-PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who plundered MAS while talking about emulating Al Ghazali and Al Shafie selflessness.

This Ramadan has revealed that the religious images of Musa Hassan and Abdullah Badawi are mere charades or wayang kulit. It won’t be long before Gani Patail will follow suit.

To Shahidan, it is not too late to dissociate himself from all these evil deeds. When you make a pact with the devil be careful that it doesn’t claim your family’s lives. Already two sons have gone. Don’t let the devil claim his third and only one left, for that would be too much for his wife to bear. Watch the God Father III and learn from that tragedy.

The thing about AG Gani Patail is that he too is a very smooth operator. Remember what Malaysia Today wrote a few weeks ago about AG Gani extorting Tan Sri Kasitah Gadam? Well, the AG doesn’t just have Shahidan to cut deals for him. He also has some credible lawyers doing his bidding.

I will give you a clue on how to detect if a deal has been done. Just look at the lawyers representing the accused persons, if you can catch my drift. Look at who represented Razak Baginda in the Altantuya murder. Now, look who is representing Tun Ling Liong Sik in the PKFZ cheating case?

We will reveal more later on. In the meantime let’s see what the MACC does about this matter and if no action is taken then we will reveal more damaging evidence about how the MACC is covering up the wrongdoings of those who walk in the corridors of power. And this time we will reveal secret documents marked RAHSIA that, if this was another country other than Malaysia, will result in the entire government falling.

This is Deep Throat from Bukit Aman signing off for now. Till we talk again, take care, and stay tuned. When we next talk we will show you something that is guaranteed to knock your panties off.

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