
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 26, 2010

Protect Rape Victims, NOT Rapists!

Have you ever wondered how and why the rich and powerful get away with crime? Google HEREprovides 294,000 links to many sites that demonstrate much injustice seen all over the world. What is more alarming is IF and WHEN the powers that be seem to be the ones building an impregnable wall of protection around offenders, especially rapists!!

In criminal law, rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, by one person against another person without that person's consent. It is common knowledge that rape is one of the most under-reported violent crime (the highest dark figure) due to the high discrepancy between statistics for rapes committed and rapes reported.

Rape is frightening and traumatizing and rape victims need care, comfort, and support as they go through the process of recovery. Sometimes, they may never get over the ordeal! Rapists HAVE to pay for it regardless of their status in society and must never ever be allowed to do it again, no matter how much they can pretend to a parole board/counsellor.

Rape is about abuse of power and not sex per se. A rapist uses actual force or violence either physically or via threats to take control over another human being to make the victim succumb to his animal desires. The fact is clear - rape is a crime and it matters not if the rapist is stranger, a date, an acquaintance, a family member or in this case, an employer.

This week, Rocky Bru, Sakmongkol and Another Brick in the Wall blogged about the alleged rape of an Indonesian maid by a Cabinet minister in 2007. The maid sent documents or some form of documentary evidence to the US embassy and other embassies. A non-governmental organization's press release on the rape can be accessed HERE.

Three years have passed and what is the outcome of investigations (if any)? Do check outSakmongkol's post on this case. Has there been any rebuttal or denial? It has been three yearsand we know nothing as yet safe for what the aforementioned bloggers wrote in their respective sites.

Is there a disturbing trend?

A search on similar alleged cases revealed some interesting facts and figures. The FreeAnwar website HERE reported that Ustaz Taib Azzamuden Mohd Taib (now the Member of Parliament for Baling, Kedah and one-time Grand Imam of the National Mosque) revealed a "BIG SECRET" which was a list of names of Federal Ministers and Chief Ministers implicated in sexual misconduct. This disclosure was made in response to the challenge by Zam (Zainuddin Maidin), Muhammad Mohd Taib, Khalil Yaakob, and Muhyiddin Yassin to come clean and reveal what he knew.

Zainuddin Maidin is remembered for his Al-Jazeera interview about the Bersih rally held in Kuala Lumpur where at the 2:18 section of the video clip he makes his statement about "erection in Malaysia". You can watch the video clip AT THIS LINK. You can see what happened during the Bersih rally AT THIS LINK.

You HAVE to visit THIS SITE to be reminded of how it has been EIGHT YEARS and the allegations have not been refuted or denied. Were any investigations carried out in response to that disclosure? Who was taken to task? Who faced disciplinary action? Who lost their Cabinet positions or status?


Rape is a despicable crime that robs individuals of their human rights! They MUST pay for their crimes against humanity and never ever be allowed to do it again, no matter how powerful or influential they are. They must be taken to task, tried and if guilty, convicted and PUNISHED!!!

Rape doesn't necessarily involve or require penetration by the male sexual organ. Worse still is when objects are used such as in sexual assault or child molestation (such as in the tragic Nurin case). Some argue for castration or testicular electrocution to punish rapists but that will not affect what is going on in the BRAIN. Many of these sickos do not attain sexual satisfaction from their crimes because not all are compelled by the desire for sex alone. For some, it's a mind/power game that propels them to resort to other means to satisfy whatever urges they may have. There must NEVER be a "next time" for any offender and strong jail sentences must be imposed to deter other would-be offenders. Along with that, some have suggested in online forums that the offenders could be put on some oestrogen treatment, to reduce the amount of testosterone in the body to hopefully inhibit those urges together with a LOT of therapy.

In 1981, I had to do observe court trials as a journalism undergraduate. I still remember how shocked I was to discover that the victim in a molest case that came up for hearing that morning was a close friend. She did not turn up for the trial and the case was dismissed. I never spoke to my friend about it. She is single till today. While working for a NGO in the mid-1980's, I attended a few seminars and courses on how to counsel rape victims which really made me realize what a traumatizing and painful experience rape victims go through. They need a lot of healing, counselling and therapy.

Whatever the case, the police have a moral responsibility to uphold law and order in this country and to protect rape victims, NOT THE RAPISTS! As voters, we deserve to have morally upright persons to serve in public office that they might be role models of exemplary behavior.

Is it to much to ask for the authorities to get to the bottom of all these cases?

Does it seem as though some protect rapists and punish rape victims by their silence? Who needs "imaginary enemies" to conquer Malaysia when they are such experts at doing it themselves? What do you think?

courtesy of masterwordsmith-unplugged

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