
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 27, 2011

the fat cat babbles...

The fastest way to contact the police to report a crime like a snatch theft or a fight you just witnessed in your neighbourhood is to rush to the nearest"mamak" stall which is also usually located at some strategic corner at the entrance of your housing area. You'd surely see either a couple of policemen on motor-bike patrol or a patrol car parked there having a meal. Not that they are going to immediately abandon their "roti canai" or"nasi lemak" and "teh-tarik" to rush back with you to the scene of the crime or problem, but you'll surely at least have made it your point to inform them as a law-abiding citizen of such on-goings in your neighbourhood, yes ?

That brings us back to what this caring hearted Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar (any relative of Hanif Omar ?) adviced his "fat cops" of their eating habits matched with their"packed and heavily over-loaded" work schedules to prevent heart related ailments. During the event health record books were also distributed to his personel to keep track of their eating habits and to update from time to time. ( read here )

Don't policemen have drills and fitness camps or"khursus" to attend on a regular basis ? Or do they only have to at the beginning of their careers and thereafter sit on their butts pushing pen at desks and in the comfort of an air-conditioned room in a"balai"? Maybe foot-patrolling for fatsos is a better idea then in a patrol car, right ?

Hmmmm.....now that poor mamak has an extra national service to do for the force. He'd probably should be engaged by the police contingent to sign in their "little record book" as to how many times a day the cop come revisiting his stall !

Or maybe the IGP wants his men to be fighting fit so that they'll be able to carry out their duties with frenzied gusto when needed like in the pic below which we have seen countless times :
What the police force of Malaysia needs today more then anything is not a pep talk on health but serious sessions on the simplest of human values. Simple values about doing an honest days work and with integrity and honesty. About the sins of corruption, bribery and respect for human life and about up-holding the laws of the land without fear and favour ! And not to be subservient to any politician's bidding but to carry out his duties with a clear conscience. And about reminding them who pays them their monthly salaries....the tax-paying rakyat !

But I guess the last paragraph above is the last thing on the IGP's mind, no ?

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