
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 1, 2011



Malaysiakini.TV has footage of S. Jayathas’s arrest by police. The HRP information chief was nabbed when he started to chant “Umno rasis, Umno rasis”.

You can still see the large bruise on Jayathas’ right arm from his last rough handling by police during the build-up to the rally.

The Malaysian public is well aware of the double standards by PDRM, our Royal Malaysian police.

When Perkasa demonstrates, the police do nothing. When the Muslims demonstrate over the azan and kick a cow head, the police do nothing.

When Umno Youth demonstrates, “instead of being detained for questioning, [its chief] Khairy was given police escort,” alleges Coalition of Malaysian Indian Associations secretary G. Gunaraj.

Gunaraj was referring to Khairy Jamaludin leading the demo against Israel over the Mavi Marmara incidentwhere Israeli forces boarded the Turkish ship.

Ng Wei Aik — a DAP state assemblyman and Lim Guan Eng’s political-secretary — was among the very first to condemn Israel and eagerly support the Palestinians.

Ng had famously denounced Najib Razak for the latter’s slow response to the flotilla breaking the Gaza blockade, complaining that Najib took 12 hours to register his anger.

So Najib took half a day to respond to the Israel operation against Mavi Marmara. But Ng’s party DAP has spent the last 3 months being unresponsive to Interlok‘s ‘pariah’ denigration of Indians.

Palestinians sokong, Libyans sokong, Indians — Pakatan tak sokong

While DAP and Pakatan strongly support the Palestinians, they did not support the Indians at the anti-Interlok rally.

Pakatan support the Libyans against tyranny, yet they did not support the Indians who walked alone on Feb 27.

Lim Guan Eng is the harshest critic of Israel (you can view his rant against the Israel security forces here) but has nothing to say about all the injustices against our own fellow citizens of Indian ethnicity (better luck if they were Muslim instead of Hindu).

In fact, Pakatan went as far as to sabotage attendance at the rally.

DAP Senator S. Ramakrishnan sms-ed on the eve of the rally:

“Don’t fall for selfish people who are using you for their selfish aims. Go to Merlimau not KLCC.”

When Hartal went to the ground during the rally, we got the chance to speak to some Hindraf supporters who gave us their frank opinion of what they think about the Chinese. One guy said:

“Have the Chinese read Interlok? Do they know what’s written in the book? Cina tak tahu malu ke?

They are amazed that Chinese don’t even flinch when typified as ‘selling their daughters’. But then again,Chinese will happily sell their mothers too.

We wondered why Uthayakumar fingered Umno’s racism as the rallying cry on Feb 27. After all, Hartal finds some Chinese to be bloody racists too, such as Guan Eng’s cybertroopers.

Uthaya explained that Umno’s racism is institutionalized, hence the anti-Interlok rally was necessarily a march against ‘Umno’s racism’. Interlok will similarly institutionalize bigotry among the young.

In a nutshell, the novel teaches that a good Chinese is someone (in the book, a character named Yew Seng) who is almost exactly like Ridhuan Tee except for the religious conversion.

A bad Chinese is the Interlok author Abdullah Hussain’s cardboard caricature.

Jayathas — the Hindraf info chief in the video clip — is a soft-spoken and unassuming man, and an activist who does what he must do to oppose.

Pakatan on the other hand elects to appease, as how you can see for yourself in the behaviour of their elected representatives, especially some of its Aduns (nope, this time we’re not referring to Caliph Umar Lim) inPenang darul Amar Makruf.

- Hartal MSM

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