
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The "hate" machine !

"It has even come to the stage where others are trying to say that the Malays are immigrants, asking us when we came to this country," he added. (quote Dr. Mahathir) (read more here )

Hello Tun Mahathir, personally that question, you should have asked Mr. Iskandar Kutty when he boarded the ship Rajula from Kerala, India to Malaya lah !

Of course every Malay is an immigrant just like the Chinese and the Indians. Which part of this sentence is so difficult to comprehend ? Just like every black or white man save the "Red Indians" in America IS an immigrant ! The Orang Asli and the various other natives like Sakais, Negritoes Semans and in East Malaysia the Ibans, Dayaks Kadazans and a host of others where the original people here and you want to again screw history repeatedly to give the immigrant Malays a "feel good" distortion via the frustrated racist group Perkasa and deny the Orang Asli that right ?......learn to deal with it Tun !

Stupid isn't he this ex-premier and father of all racists in Malaysia ? He dare actually warn us with this dubious question......"that forgetting one's history was detrimental to the race; that it was the very reason why the Malays allowed themselves to be colonised by the British".

Let me tell you this senile and livid mass of protoplasm is guilty of forgetting his own father's history ! I wonder how the gentle Malays actually can accept him as a Malay too. He has taken them for a long 22 year ride by ridiculing and labelling them with mischievous names and even then the older Malays of this country without names like Toyo or Tukiman but plain Yusof or Kamal or Hussain or Kassim allowed him to rule them ! This here is one clever Indian ! And dear Tun, remember nobody questions the Malay rights but only you and your morons in Perkasa are saying this to, as usual, instill unwarranted fear and instigate hatred among the Malays off all other immigrants like the Chinese and Indians!

His confession here clearly shows how threatened he is by the great split amongst the UMNO Malays and the thinking PR Malays. And this master manipulator of the Malays must be losing his marbles upon only being greeted with 800 instead of 33,000 people who'd care to listen to the rubbish and hate spewed by this venomous forked-tongue son of an immigrant.

Thank God the Malays are already wising-up to this now irrelevant Dr. Mahathir !
Maybe he should "punch" himself in the face for living a life of lies !
Jeez....does he ever stop ?

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