
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blind Bloke Christian and His Agenda

There are Christian blokes who believe that if they perform their religious rituals they are happy with their relationship with their Maker without any cares about the real world.

And one shining example if reports are true about this Christian by the name of Tony who has made a police report against another Christian? by the name of Chan Julian for posting a religious sedition in her tweet. Apparently this sin to him us greater than sinning God when she tweeted 'i think all Christians shud march for all the persecution they had done to us and our Lord. Don't you think so?'

As a Christian I should praise the Lord that his brader Tony is a faithful discipline who has been able to pray to his God in his words, " I am a Christians and practised my faith freely, no persecution ever happen while I'm practising my faith, as Lilian try to portrays with her tweetpost."

One isn't sure what his agenda is making a police report against a thought process... 'I think'

But isn't his statement "She made it up with another agenda up in her mind", is also similar to him thinking that is what she had in mind.

So what makes Lilian's 'think' a religious sedition and isn't his thinking she has an agenda is similarly making a false accusation and sinful one too against a fello Christian, huh?

One isn't sure what Christian this bloke is and Tony isn't a Christian name per se. Perhaps it's an England name he is fond of, eh?

One also isn't sure what this bloke blogger of Blog House Malaysia understands by persecution. Perhaps he is a student of Church history and persecution to him is when Christianity first started, the crucifixion, burning on stakes, killing of anyone who claimed to be a Christian or in modern times being flogged or, jailed in China for not bowing down to state appointed religion and religious priests.

So what is his definition of persecution us Christians would like to know?

Perhaps his God only understands English and he has no fear praying in the English language and needn't have to pray in other languages like Bahasa Melayu that uses the 'A' name for God and can land Christians on this side of Malaysia to be breaking the law, huh?

Perhaps he isn't a blogger who reads about bigots who accuse Christians of all kinds of conspiracy against King and country or even read about the burning of churches as well as other religions houses of worships?

But then, he claims to be some sexy terrier of BHM so he would have read about the concerns of Christians of being made scapegoats from starting illegal gatherings to causing disunity among a race and its religion!

Unless his BHM only blogs about holy stuff and Jesus said this or that.

They say if you live inside a nutshell, your world in confined to that space and you are blind to what is happening outside this space. One wonders if that is how our brader Tony pratices his Christianity. Me and God and the outside world does not exists.

But didn't Jesus preach about love thy neighbour and all that?

Perhaps brader Tony can teach us sinful Christians like yours truly what a real Christian is by practicing selfless and forgiveness as Jesus commands. In which case he would have found abundance of love and forgiveness towards her sister Julian too right? instead of asking the police to lock up the unChristian thinking Christian she is huh?

This is the sad reality of Christians in BolehLand where they have always been such good Christians bowing in humble submission when their religious freedom and institutions are slowly being chiselled away, no?

Brader Tony may know his Church history and know what persecution is about. But he is a poor student of Church history in BolehLand. Perhaps to him he sees persecution as those that early Christians faced and until he experiences it first hand such as being crucified or burnt on the stake, which is already too late, his conviction that there is no persecution is as strong as his observation of his religious rituals and duties to Jesus.

Perhaps our brader Tony doesn't know what a Christian is and how he should live his life as Jesus has commanded to His followers.

Perhaps he has an agenda by choosing to be blind when there are those who falsely accuse Christians of converting Malays, of scheming conspiracies and plots against King, a race, the BN party and government, of being insensitive in obeying man's law on the name his God should be called, or Bibles seized and acts of sacrilege done to the Holy Book. Or even those who are caught with partners secretly converting and tearing families apart.

To him the above may just be discrimination rather than persecution per se if he likens its definition to his understanding of persecutions is what early Christian faced.

Is he waiting for a Christian to be fed to the lions or stoned to death so to speak, that he will finally believe that there is persecution against Christians or other religions too?

Either brader Tony is a devout Christian whose life is only a (selfish) direct connection between him and his Maker and very blessed by the government giving him all the freedom to enter the kingdom of Heaven. He may really have a clean like 'bersih' heart compared to the dirty thinking and 'kotor' agenda of Julian, no? Or, he is blind to the cares of the world, or he has his own odd agenda in believing noone is interfering or disturbing him from worshipping his God, huh?

Is he mocking Christians and God in his police report or he is one of those living saints who has not faced any form of persecution when he carries out his evangelical work huh? He isn't a good Christian if he has not carried out Jesus' command to spread the good news too. How many people has he converted to accept Jesus huh?

So do tell us brader Tony about your evangelical work in BolehLand to all races by blogging about it then. You will surely earn a higher place in heaven and on earth also get many followers including this sinner Christian blogger, who will not hesitate to also file a police report against sister Julian's thinking too, huh?

Perhaps his Good News, in the English Language that is, has a large chunk of pages missing on things like 'Love thy neighbour', 'Not everyone who calls Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven but he who does the Will of God, or 'For I was hungry, thirsty and so on...huh?

He may have been reading only the parts that say ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector... or assistant to a non Christian non Malay Chief Minister... and ... I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get as well as help put away those who commit religious sedition..."

If our Christian blogger is truly one who believes there is no persecution or discrimination against other religions in BolehLand, the Catholic Church, the Christian Federation and InterFaith Council have much to fear. They will be his next targets to file police reports for daring to issue press statements condemning those who accuse Christians of conspiracy against Jesus, the King and country, yes?
Why take on a blogger who happens to work for the Chief Minister of Penang and not the other non Muslim organisations then? Is it that our Christian is a blind bloke Christian who has his own more than one agenda together with his other blockheads blokes in the same house having such similar other agendas too, huh?

So while brader Tony is in the company of the taxmen of BolehLand, this sinner chooses to stand a distant, a very far distant away from brader Tony and dare not even look up to heaven. All I can whisper to God is to forgive me a sinner as I beat my heart as an act of contrition for not being brave enough to stand up for God. And I also ask sister Julian to follow the same agenda as my action before God too and I am sure she would not think twice about it but will not hesitate to join me and the rest of us to whisper in humility, 'God, have mercy on me and us, a sinner.. and I seek strength from God to be ready to join others to defend You.'

I go to zzzzz now. Bye-bye.


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