
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 11, 2011

1Malay at home, 1Malaysia abroad

vox populi small thumbnail'In London, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin talks of national unity, when back here, he will say something else.'

Muhyiddin's clarion call to M'sians in London

2cts Worth: DPM Muhyiddin Yassin, what a fabulous speech. Who is the writer? But what about Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali? And do you read Utusan Malaysia?

Peace and prosperity and racial harmony - where? Which country do you refer to? Is it not enough that you let go of cow dung at home, do you have to go overseas to do it as well?

Tan Kim Keong: 'Malay first and Malaysian second' was the position you, Muhyiddin, proudly declared and insidiously said at home here not too long ago when you were asked about what 1Malaysia means to you.

Now in UK, you did a 360-degree turn on this position without even explaining your earlier stand. In your behaviour, I see the manifestation of everything evil.

JomUbahUbah: This DPM has no moral ground and dignity to say '1Malaysia' when he himself said he is 'Malay first and Malaysian second', especially when he controls Perkasa to cause so much racial disharmony in our country.

An Old Malaysian: What a hypocrite - 1Melayu at home, 1Malaysia abroad.

Dhammika: What unity is the DPM talking about? Racist remarks by Umno has hurt the Chinese and Indians. Try your unity recipe this coming GE and you may no longer be DPM, provided that BN doesn't use fraud and corruption in the election.

Let's see if the 'I help you, you help me' formula of the past can save you.

Viral: DPM, are you qualified enough to deliver such a speech? It is you who jeopardise the country's racial unity, harmony and peace and your past statements proved it, period.

As long as this country's politicians are like you, it is impossible to attain peace, harmony and economic prosperity.

We, overseas Malaysians, are not uneducated or stupid to buy your speech, and to go back to Malaysia hoping to be recognised by this uneducated, uncivilised and unreasonable BN government.

PendatangMalaysia: In London, the DPM talks of national unity, when back here, he will say something else. Does he knows how it feels like to be a non-bumiputera and having to hear from the DPM that he is 'Malay first'?

1M: Muhyiddin said, "Whether you are Malaysian students studying abroad or Malaysian citizens working abroad, everyone can contribute to the transformation that is progressing in our country at the moment."

Yes, everyone can contribute one vote against Umno/BN, and the nation will then transform.

Baru disagrees with judges on unconstitutionality issue

Lexicon: Chief Judge of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak Richard Malanjum has found in favour of NCR (native customary right) landowners in the past.

The pressure on him this time must have been substantial for him to toe the line. He was right in the sense that the constitutional basis of these land grabs can be decided by another Federal Court in the future since only Raus Sharif has (predictably) put his foot down on the 'winning' side of the fence.

One day, we may restore an independent judiciary if we impose a sustainable two-party system, with better checks and balances, and we may yet have a just decision - far better than having no decision at all because of political considerations.

Sarwakian: Richard Malanjum, you are a disgrace to all East Malaysians. We understand why Zaki and Rauf ruled the way they did, but you?

Don't give up, Sarawakian and Sabahan natives in the your struggle for the NCR land. Vote for Pakatan Rakyat to stop all these bullying by BN.

Anak Sabah1: Judges have a very heavy responsibility to ensure that whatever decisions they make are based on fairness and justice. They will have to bear the consequences in the hereafter for not adhering to such expectations.

Loyal Malaysian: This is a grave injustice inflicted by no other than Chief Justice Zaki Azmi before he is to retire, and Richard Malanjum, the so-called chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak.

This is an abdication of their oath of service, nothing less. They are shameless chaps for taking the rakyat's money but not doing their duty.

L Joy: This refusal is the very last act of Zaki's. What a shame Zaki has brought on to not just himself but the judiciary and the Malay race to which he belongs.

Remember this is the same person who had once said that he bribed a court official to get an earlier hearing for one of his cases? And now in his very last act, not just as any judge, but as the chief justice, he has shown how cheap a human he is.

One Brain Cell: This is a free-will universe. Humans like Zaki Azmi and the other Federal Court judges are free to choose whose interests to serve - and it is absolutely clear that their hearts and minds are not with the people, only the puppet masters whose arrogance and greed know no bounds.

KJ John: I am no lawyer, but can someone illuminate me on what would be the procedure for the people of Sarawak, abused by this judgment, to appeal against the lack of honour by the two senior judges in choosing to 'close one eye' on this very matter.

This just perpetuates Umno's close-one-eye culture in all areas.

Righteous: Who judge the judges? People of Sarawak, you be the judge, jury and the executor come GE13. As they say, "When money speaks, truth is silent." - Malaysiakini

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