The reply to my comment read: Rasuah tidak termasuk dalam hudud. Itu dipanggil hukuman takzir. Pemerintah akan putuskan hukuman yang wajar termasuk penjara. Hudud adalah bagi kesalahan mencuri merompak dan zina. Harap fahami dulu sebelum mengkritik.
(Goggle translate :Corruption is not included in hudud. Takzirpenalties were called. The government will decide the appropriate punishment, including imprisonment. Hudud is fora theft to robbery and adultery. Please understand beforecriticizing.)
See the above answer is the reason why this"hudud" is totally useless to implement in a secular government like ours as hudud laws seem to only target petty offenses while the law turns a blind eye to the real scourge like corruption in our current government and allows the perpetrators to get away scott-free ! So who needs a society with our Muslim brethren with arms or fingers or pricks missing from petty snatch-thieving "mat-rempits"to randy dandy romeos and shaming and stoning in public those who were caught enjoying a pint or two of that wonderful golden ale and wagered on sports like Toto, Magnum and DaMaChai while the thousands of corrupt crimes committed in high places from the dictatorial era of the old Tun for 22 over long years still continue to enjoy the spoils of their ill-gotten wealth humming to the tune of"Can't touch these".... then I say, screw you PAS and screw you too, shit-stirrer par excellence, the now irrelevant and former PM, the MahaTun !!!
Hudud is seen to justify the means of a few who want to play God/Allah over the lesser of Muslims mortals as non-Muslims or "infidels" like me have absolute immunity from persecution under that same hudud in a syariah court, no ? See I do not even use capital letters for this hudud or syariah because it is not a law this country was founded upon long before our independence from the English but with all due respect to the Prophet, only a recently adopted old Arabic "desert ruling"fashioned by a few mullahs influencing our Islamic scholars aka "juara-kampungs" with their"bogeyman's" deterrent and nothing else ! We here live in a plural and modern society. So PAS, stick your hudud in Arabia and keep it there !
Let's continue to stick to good ole English Common Law because like it or not morons, every law and even our Federal Constitution in this country is borrowed/copied/fashioned/translated after our former colonial masters' English Laws. If we intend to "localise" anything let's first find a word for that English acronym UMNO first !
We had nothing original to work with from then, because we were built with such a good mixture of diverse cultures, customs and religious back-grounds, so there Malaysians....live with it !
Hudud is seen to justify the means of a few who want to play God/Allah over the lesser of Muslims mortals as non-Muslims or "infidels" like me have absolute immunity from persecution under that same hudud in a syariah court, no ? See I do not even use capital letters for this hudud or syariah because it is not a law this country was founded upon long before our independence from the English but with all due respect to the Prophet, only a recently adopted old Arabic "desert ruling"fashioned by a few mullahs influencing our Islamic scholars aka "juara-kampungs" with their"bogeyman's" deterrent and nothing else ! We here live in a plural and modern society. So PAS, stick your hudud in Arabia and keep it there !
Let's continue to stick to good ole English Common Law because like it or not morons, every law and even our Federal Constitution in this country is borrowed/copied/fashioned/translated after our former colonial masters' English Laws. If we intend to "localise" anything let's first find a word for that English acronym UMNO first !
We had nothing original to work with from then, because we were built with such a good mixture of diverse cultures, customs and religious back-grounds, so there Malaysians....live with it !
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