
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 12, 2011

just S-T-F-U !

We in Malaysia have politicians opening their stupid mouths time and again arguing over trivial issues when the financial and economical situation of our country in still in deep shit ?

First it was the language issue, then the
"ketuanan-pendatang" race issue followed closely by explosive sexual scandals, then religious issues and now it's the distorted "history" of our country's issue ! Gimme a break lah fools !

Every politician wants to be a champion moron ! We have assholes for academicians who have bastardised our education system wherein we churn our idiots and mental retards by the thousands each year. Politicians thrive on
"trivia'issues and would go to great lengths to garner support to correct that "smart" sounding remark he unknowingly utters in a moment of getting his audiences' attention. Pathetic ! They'd drive at any issues that would not put food on the table but to save their asses from remarks "accidentally" uttered in frenzy. Others will deny out-right and accuse the media of misquoting them. Half the time it is they, that retard who also doubles as a politician who actually utters some rubbish and then go to extremes to blame everyone else. Idiotic !

I would be happy the day when our politicians talk about curbing blatant corruption, righting the politicians and government official who abuse their powers and bringing order to our already chaotic traffic and public transport system and parking !

Like I said before, I'm a dreamer with selective memory lapses....and I sometime think like I'm in lala land.....forgetting I'm living in Malaysia, land of opportunists and home of the corrupt !
Ask the old and now absolutely irrelevant doctor in the house !

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