by weechookeong
Picture taken from Malay Mail
Yg Bhg Tab Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, the former Managing Director of MAS, has spoken in connection with the ”7 REASONS WHY KHAZANAH SHOULD NOT UNDERTAKE THE SHARE SWAP BETWEEN MAS & AIRASIA”. Please readHERE & HERE. Please see below for Yg Bhg Tan Sri Abdul Aziz’s comments.
I have just read your article and would like to add my views. I am of the view that the air transport industry in the country has over the years. been mired by wrong government decisions and periodical mismanagement by the operators.
The current state of affairs of MAS has been caused by :
(i) Some 15 years ago MAS management was massed up and the very fabric of its operation was destroyed and until now it has not been fully revived despite efforts being made to revive it.
(ii) The situation has been compounded by the wrong decisions of the government to allow Air Asia to operate on domestic and regional routes in the beginning and later on long haul routes without any proper study on the impact.
(iii) The authorities failed to appreciate the role and responsibilities of a National Carrier and wrongly placed MAS to compete against a private low cost carrier. It should be noted that it was wrong to convert Air-Asia’s license from international routes not operated by MAS into domestic routes without any study on the impact.
(iv) Those concerned have failed to appreciate that Malaysia’s air transport premier travel market is very small and that the market is very ‘price sensitive.
There is no way that MAS can compete against Air Asia. Up to now I must say that ‘Nasi hampir jadi bubur’. If they carry out their proposed scheme I confirm that ‘ Nasi terus jadi bubur’. I am surprised that so many clever people cannot under stand simple arithmetic.
You may distribute my comments to the members of your network.
With Kind regards,
Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman.
Another comment from a corporate leader.
Sure will – it makes little sense if you study the balance sheet plus air asia is buying n buying planes with little money to pay ( famous for delaying delivery- shouldn’t you investigate for 50 b purchases if any commission was paid?- and of course if you are Air Asia you want to get rid of threats ( Firefly ????) N take golden routes or block enteries. Well for a start RM 15m already scuppered for QPR ?? What the ##+* for? Then firefly flights being downsized n stopped(check it) Why is iconic entrepreneur putting all ex Malaysia Ringgit in UK? Lotus, QPR etc etc – our home some more he says!! One last one ” Did MAS advisor agree to this? After all supplying nasi lemak is within the family ambit? Funny deal this one – well Y not all MAS staff down tools for one day?? Interesting isn,t it? Just an opinion. Have fun and good luck
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