
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 28, 2011

PR for hire: Desperate men do desperate things

VOXPOP 'Where does PM Najib get the funds to hire all these foreign consultants seeking to turn a toad into a prince?'

'Tony Blair's ex-PR chief hired by Najib to win GE'

vox populi small thumbnailIbnu Ishak: Forget Alastair Campbell. There is only one person who can possibly save Najib Razak. Only Najib can save Najib.

But does he know how to? Does he have the good sense and character to do so? If he does, and if he is to save himself, he will have to heed not the image-makers but an inner, innate human sense of decency and fairness.

If he can't do that, then he and his government really cannot be saved. It's his big test. And he has to sit for it and pass it himself. Nobody else can do it for him.

In this examination room, too, you are ‘on your own'. You can't fake it there.

Mahindar Singh: There is no need to waste money on public relations. Take this free advice:

a) take serious action on corruption
b) reduce crime
c) overhaul education system by removing minister Muhyiddin Yassin
d) transparency in all dealings
e) remove all corrupt officers
f) revisit Teoh Beng Hock case

I doubt this can be done by BN so stop getting advisors to eye wash and tell us how good the BN is. The auditor-general has clearly stated in his report on all the wastage we have. Five more years of rule by BN will make us very poor.

Quigonbond: Alistair Campbell is a master spinner, and has been discredited in UK. He's the one who has a hand in the downfall of Tony Blair.

Truth cannot be hidden. Spin can only go so far. With him advising the PM, we now know that anything good coming out of the federal government is but hot air, with little substance.

Anonymous: Tony Blair became a Catholic, as such his ex-communication chief Alastair Campbell must be the man who advised Najib to go for the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Vatican.

There was no noise from Dr Mahathir Mohamad during whose tenure he allowed people in Malaysia to protest the visit of the Pope to Singapore, even though that had nothing to do with Malaysia.

There seems to be some problem with credibility here, not that I am against the setting up of diplomatic relations with the Vatican, but this is not sincere - it is done as part of a scheme to deceive those whose support Najib now craves.

Desperate men do desperate things, and this seems to be the case with the PM.

The Catholics and the Christians at large in this country must be able to read this man. He is using them for his own purposes, and they will suffer when he turns the tables on them once he has things going his way.

Jedi_Who: That's why Najib Razak wanted bigger PM's budget allocations. If he doesn't come through with electoral changes, Bersih 3.0 will put an end to his ambitions.

He indulges in Christian bashing, but then why hire Christians to clean up his Muslim image? If you prefer racial rhetoric, why bother with what non-Muslim countries think of you?

Tkc: Where does he get the funds to hire all these foreign consultants seeking to turn a toad into a prince?

(a) taxpayers
(b) cronies
(c) leakages from defence contracts
(d) Rosmah's savings

Unlikely to be (d) because she had just used it for the diamond ring.

Staggering profiteering in M'sia's defence purchases

JusticeNow!: The amount being siphon off is atrocious to the point of insanity. While a large portion of Malaysians have to live with RM400 to RM600 a month, up to RM12 billion of rakyat's money is put into private bank accounts of a few.

It is even more mind boggling that these few people can get away scot-free even though the system recorded their activities - it is like Umno dan BN are born with the legal right to spend the rakyat's money.

Malaysian have to shrug off and fight off the this evil regime's exasperation hold on the people psyche "that nothing can be done" and do something in the next GE.

SMC77: Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua may have forgotten to mention that even paying a hefty premium for all these defence equipments, most of them are not ready for combat.

Just take the example of our submarines which came without any torpedo. Malaysia may have the most peaceful armed force in the world as our weapons cannot be used in war.

Tell the Truth: I am very offended by the total disregard for integrity by the BN government especially the defence minister, but then I am not surprised because the whole bunch - including the PM - are stealing blatantly, and even have the audacity to lie about it.

Kgen: Malaysia will be the next Greece. No country can sustain such massive corruption.

For Utusan, Perkasa is a 'catalyst for unity'

Bender: Doesn't Utusan Malaysia news editor Zulkiflee Bakar read what is written in his so-called newspaper?

When he talked about Perkasa being a catalyst for unity, was he referring to the same Perkasa or is there any other group with the same name?

I don't see how he can come to that ridiculous conclusion. Pure Malays read Utusan? I think I'm going to be sick.

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: The BN government should remove the ban on Hindraf and Bersih 2.0 since both NGOs are also fighting for the rights and freedoms of all Malaysians including Malays, Chinese and Indians.

If Perkasa can be defended, then Hindraf and even the outlawed Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) should be allowed their own democratic space.

Unity can never be achieved under notions of racial and religious superiority even after 500 years, let alone 54 years.

So long as other races are considered a threat to the Malay agenda, there can never be acceptance of each other as equals with the right to partake in the progress, prosperity and future of this country for the common good and well-being of all.

Anonymous_3f15: If Perkasa has 200,000 members, then it should have filled up the Himpun gathering in the Shah Alam Stadium, which has a capacity of 80,000. - Malaysiakini

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