
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 25, 2011

PKR :Change before you have to!

Anwar, change before you must! You were a visionary once. 

Reformasiand Pakatan Rakyat. Two intangibles , two ideas whose time had come but it was you that brought those ideas into fruition. For that our people are grateful. But even a grateful nation does not have long memories. Mudah lupa. The Pakatan Rakyat you brought into being is only as good as its next task. And its next task is to form government. Fail to do this and all that you have achieved so far in your life is consigned to a footnote in the history books that our children will read!

The times that we now live in moves forward at such a rapid pace that we sometimes see our present only as it is already disappearing. Even as try to comprehend the enormity of Pakatan Rakyat’s success in the 12th general election we are already into the 13th general election. The only constant is change.   

If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.(John A. Simone, Sr)

And for Anwar the situation now is not good. What will it take for it to change?

But how has it come to this again? Why are we waiting to see if Anwarwill again be incarcerated? Is it UMNO? They said it was Mahathirbefore, today is it Najib? I do not have answers to that question. OnlyAnwar knows the truth.

The reality is that we are now faced with fighting for political change  through a political process that is flawed and much inclined towards the incumbent. And the incumbent is further advantaged by a host of legal and illegal maneuvers aided by an abundance of corruption and a determination to hold on to power at all costs – a combination that has seen UMNO hold on to power for over 50 years.

There is no fair mechanism for power change in Malaysia. With Anwarwe had hoped that whatever ‘fairness’ missing from the political process in Malaysia would at least be turfed down to a somewhat level playing field. It would seem that this is not to be in the 13th general election.  Pakatan Rakyat is in the fight for their lives, for our lives –and Anwar or no Anwar we are locked in with Pakatan Rakyat in this fight with UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

We know that it is not the business of UMNO to make it any easier forPakatan Rakyat to succeed in the 13th general election. But in all decency I cannot understand the need for UMNO, for Najib, to prosecute Anwar again. Has he not gone through enough?

Am I angry? More sad then angry. But there is enough anger within me to stir my very soul to fight with Pakatan Rakyat against BarisanNasional. Enough anger within me to work tirelessly to oust BarisianNasional from government.


But what is happening in PKR? Are they holding their breath in the hope that DSAI will NOT be convicted of Sodomy? Is the possibility of a conviction making them unsure and uncertain of their future? PKR is in crisis? What crisis? Are there already factions within PKR positioning themselves for the time AA? Not not Azmin Ali…the time AFTERANWAR?

I would expect that the prospect of jail time for DSAI would have been a time for PKR to galvanized itself to ensure that this BN government understand the possible ramifications of a conviction!

Instead PKR seems cowered and unable to take the lead in this head to head confrontation between BN and PKR. This road show by DSAi intoUMNO hinterland is nothing more than a public relation exercise with no positive or long term gain for Pakatan RakyatDSAI is preaching to the converted and their attendance of his ceramah is the attraction of the macabre – as flies and vultures are attracted to carrion so are the crowds now coming to see DSAI more out of a macabre interest of seeing the condemned man just prior to his execution.

Anwar, I would suggest you put PKR in order. I would suggest you sit down with DAP and PAS and talk strategies and future planning. I would suggest you prepare yourself for what is to come and tell your supporters that you will be incarcerated – and tell them what you expect of them : their total commitment to Pakatan Rakyat. ThatPakatan Rakyat is bigger then PKR, bigger then you even! That they must not lose sight of the struggle for ABU. Not MTU (Malaysia TanpaUMNO) but ABU!    

Do not tell them to sharpen their parang in preparation for storming the prison walls as Azmin had promised to do. One battalion of FRUwould be more the enough to deter all of PKR’s combat troopers.

Do not tell PKR to ready themselves for battle on the streets of KualaLumpur as in those Reformasi days because PDRM are more then prepared to manage these situations. I doubt if your PKR boys will have the stomach to face the batons wielded by these enthusiastic goons from PDRM.

And do not antagonize and inconvenience the public anymore then necessary by having PKR organize demonstration in the streets of Kuala Lumpur against your incaceration. There is a limit even to the patience of the Rakyat

You need to work towards that change. But if you wish to change government then you should also examine what it is that is within PKRthat can be change. Change PKR before PKR is overtaken by the need to change itself. Make sure that any change within PKR is a movement forward.

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.(Bruce Barton)
I hope this malaise within PKR is but a glitch that will be addressed immediately. We await a grand gesture from you and from PKR that will justify PKR’ relevance to Pakatan Rakyat and to the people of this nation. We know it will not be another Reformasi or another Pakatan Rakyat. We hope for something better…without a better PKR our front line against UMNO is proportionately weakened. Anwar is expandable, PKR is not. Time is of the essence. What will Anwar now do? 

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