
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 10, 2011

Anything but UMNO? Have we gone bonkers!

  • I saw ABU (Asalkan bukan UMNO) press release on Malaysiakini TV. There was a strong a strong chill in my spine. I felt nauseated. It reminds me of Khir Toyo announcement that he plans for “Sifar Pembangkang” or “zero Opposition” in Selangor prior to 2008 election. That was the last time I sensed the same chill feeling in my spine. Personally I disagree with the NGO that is backing this ABU plan. It is simply unpalatable.
  • Clearly UMNO is being targeted because PR wants to split the cohesion of BN. By targeting the key member of BN, they are sizing their fight. We can see that since UMNO has been under attack, the other component party members have been relatively silent and watching from the sideline. For anyone to damn UMNO in such a manner, he must also damn almost all ex UMNO members that are in PKR today. They are same man without spines who had switch camp without principles. I have more respect for the fresh PKR member than this ex UMNO members.
  • Is it fair to damn UMNO in such a manner? Is it fair to condemn 3 mill UMNO members in such a manner? It is like damning Toyota or Honda because there are some lousy models out there. I firmly believe there plenty of self centered people in both UMNO and PKR whose main interest is not the nation. Hasn’t this been proven with several PKR characters that have jumped ship? For the record there are thousand of guys in PKR that is the same. Shouldn’t the target be PKR where they must clean their house? The de-facto leader shook my hand and says that we should not worry and say he will help in UKB. Nothing happened since that day. One character lied and misled thousand of house buyers and the MB still does not have the courtesy to reply my letter or give me an appointment.
  • I have met some very good and honest people in UMNO in the last few years. I have met some hard working people in PR also. For the record I have met and dealt with ass-holes in both sides of the camp. Frankly speaking, we as the voters must think and don’t simply condemn a brand. Look at the candidates. Balance of power is important. Are we blinded by this hatred? Will the ABU plan backfired as what happened with KT “zero opposition” plan? My crystal ball says it will.

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