
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bullying the Convent Nuns?

The Convent Bukit Nanas principal appointment fiasco raises up many questions.

The last would be over the race of the candidate which some are trying to politicise! It is not that the missionary schools or what is left do not have principals of different races. After all, they subscribe to the best candidate to protect the alma mater of the institution right and the one they proposed are deemed to be able to carry on the age ole traditions of the school right?

So to say it is about race is a rather adopting a juvenile uneducated mentality.

It's more of not living up to the promise of consultations than the Education Deputy Minister trying to find an excuse about not knowing retirement age and what have you, right?

Even the Minister's Koh's attempt to put a bit more believability to the 1Malaysia concept is a comical act that only confirms more than half the population the concept is just another sloganeering to paint over the racist mentality of the government.

The 1Malaysia concept is reflected in the country's education system, of which the various communities including Christian mission schools and other religious schools have roles to play... so Koh was quoted to have said.

1Malaysia concept is reflected in the education system... it's a Christmas joke that can only come out of scrooge!

One's reflection on a muddy pond is more real and believable than this overplayed ploy of using the 1Malaysia concept to try and make a wrong right, right?

The issue is just plain blatant disregard for the gentleman's agreement on the appoint of the principal. But then have this government ever been a gentleman towards others lately say in the last 30 years or so?

Even among themselves, they don't consult on important issues particularly on those that relate to other non official religions.

There have been too many times that such subtle covert attempts have been made to undermine the independence and rights of others. Haven't they got enough that they need to have total control and dominance?

Is there an agenda in this suspicious move? Noone really believes the government's excuse. Not yet because the ultra right race groups have not shifted into high gear to use this opportunity to paint a racist picture of other races. Perhaps they are crafting their police report against the school and the church for meddling in an education policy decision. And a Malay UMNO dominated government who is getting more racist to regain grassroot race support to stay in power huh?

For the Education people not to know the agreed  upon process for the CBN appointment is to either show how uneducation and ignorant they are or just a deliberate attempt to show the bully they are to arm twist the defenceless nuns to submission huh?

The reminder to all of us who seek to preserve whatever rights we have, if we dare to defend them that is, if you are not watchful and lose your guard, you will forever lose the last bit of independence, justice and rights you have.

So whose version do we believe in this fiasco, the nuns, church or the UMNO Ministers?

The poor principal is just a pawn in someone's agenda. Maybe a tactic to create this controversy than do a Koh's all inclusive 1Malaysia policy to show how sensitive, accomodative and race friendly the present UMNO dominated BN government is eh?

The Christians do feel sorry and apologise for the embarrassment that the government has put her into. It's not her fault... it's entirely the fault of the bureaucrats, agent provocateur to stir up controversy just to score brownie votes for the coming GE13 huh?!

Isn't the above scenario plausible given than since GE12, BolehLand has conjured or rather the politicians have said, done, implied and will do so for many years to come, the most ridiculous, insane, evil, devious and greedy thinking and actions - even in the name of God, a lot in the name of race and more to stay in power.

It's really a scandal and unforgivable for the Ministry of Education NOT TO KNOW or to consult the church on the appointment.

Perhaps some smart aleck think they can use the Constitution to get their way not knowing that yes God, not the one we are told who is a true God but to Christians and all others, God works in mysterious way.

We wonder if the political situation is not what it is today, 1Malaysia and UMNO will make a gostan on their decision. No way they want to lose face right?

So who do we believe is telling the truth over the appointment? The nuns, people of God or the government who have been playing God for more than over 50 years?

And who is the bully here that we should shame them? Shame, shame, shame for bullying convent nuns eh?

Even if it's the Yuletide season, hope the Christians will really live to the give and take spirit of the celebration. Since someone tried to take away their liberty and rights, they should return it by giving their vote to the other side.

Now, isn't that a really Merry Christmas thought that brings love, peace and joy waiting for it to happen come GE13 huh?

It's not about spite or lack of forgiveness, it's as Christians say, God works in mysterious ways! So happen that the decision of Christians to abandon 1Malaysia is not a mystery anymore... an act of God or God willing as they say huh? - YAHMEH!!!

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