
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 22, 2011

A cock-and-bull story, Awang Adek

YOURSAY 'Come on, what kind of company gives donation secretly in cash, a fixed amount every month and goes to great extents to cover the money trail.'

Awang Adek: Yes, I received cash deposits, but...

your sayMalaysian Born: This is really very disturbing. The fact that a deputy minister can receive money into his personal account from businessmen who have commercial activity with his specific ministry is not just unacceptable but a clear conflict of interest.

Taken from a different perspective, how can a politician receive money in the form of donations for his constituency in his personal account? Even lawyers have to set up a client's account when receiving funds to be re-disbursed.

Kgen: I don't think this Umno leader is exceptional. The only difference between him and other corrupt Umno goons is that his case is exposed while others remain hidden.

These people are so bold and shameless that they can take money openly and bank it into their personal bank accounts. They know that MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) won't touch them.

It only gets inconvenient if there is a power struggle and they gets exposed by a rival, but they still won't fall as long as they are in the boss's good books.

Look at Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. She is still looking secure in her job.

Multi Racial: Well, this is a clear-cut case of corruption. Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek should resign immediately. It is shame that he even got the gumption to explain that the money received is for something else.

If this is accepted, then whenever someone is caught for corruption, they will just explain that the money is a donation for political financing. No wonder, only a handful criticised the Shahrizat case as many are in the same boat.

If Umno members want to save their party, they have to come out to insist all these leaders be charged, otherwise it will not only bring down Umno, but also the country if such practice is allowed to continue.

Never mind if Umno members refuse to do anything. Malaysians must come out in full force to get rid of those corrupted, racist and religion extremists in the next general election. They must not be allowed to serve in the Parliament and state assemblies.

Anonymous: The right way of doing charity in your constituency is make use of the party's branch/division account or better, set up a special fund for such purposes.

A personal account to get donations? And by chance, the donor has got a government contract? You ‘ingat kita bodoh kah' (you think we are stupid)?

Onyourtoes: This is what we call "I help you, you help me" philosophy. I also have many personal accounts and I too do charity, but so far not a single soul has deposited money into my bank account.

Awang Adek, you are the deputy finance minister, where is your fiduciary standard and responsibility? If the money is for your division, surely you must have a bank account opened for your division with proper signatories of more than two persons.

May I ask, who has access to your personal bank accounts other than you? So cut the crap; your aide is not your best witness as he/she has no access to your personal accounts.

I was told it does not matter Umno rule Kelantan or not - all the Umno liaison committee members and heads of divisions there are already rich enough through federal allocations now channelled through Kelantan Umno.

By the way, the company that deposited money into the Awang's account should also be investigated for bribing a public officer and the punishment is no less than those receiving bribes.

Do you want to know how one of our neighbouring countries control corruption? They charge and jail the bribe givers as often as takers. If givers are put to fear, I think half of the corruption problem in this country is solved.

Have you ever noticed the givers in this country have no shame in offering bribes? They share among friends in coffee shops on which sergeant or which customs officers can be dealt with and which cannot.

Corruption is already a way of life in this country a long time ago.

I love Rosy 2: Come on, what kind of company gives donation secretly in cash, a fixed amount every month and goes to great extents to cover the money trail. And whoever has heard of public donation going directly into an individual's personal account.

Akucina: Does Awang Adek have a licence to collect cash deposits? If not, he has contravene the Bank Negara ruling and should be charged with illegal deposit-taking and money laundering.

Secondly, the monies he received is considered as his income. Has he paid taxes for this income? LHDN (Income Tax Department) should investigate.

Anonymous: Awang Adek won't be that stupid to ask the money to be banked into his personal account if this is corruption. His intention is genuine, that is to help the poor. Say what you like, but I believe what he said.

Changeagent: Dear Anonymous, point number 1 - yes, he is that stupid. Point number 2 - he got caught red-handed and is just trying to spin his way out of trouble.

Point number 3 - are you as stupid as Awang Adek? Point number 4 - I'm glad you believe him. That makes you one of his other three or four believers who fell for a stupid lie.

I really don't get this. Awang Adek readily admits that it is against party rules to encourage public donations into the bank accounts of Umno divisions.

But public donations into personal accounts is okay? Someone care to help me understand this logic?

Wira: This reminded me of Harun Idris, a one-time menteri besar of Selangor, who was jailed (in 1977) for corruption because he failed to distinguish what was rightly his money and the money belonging to Umno because they were in the same account.

Harun went to jail for his folly when Hussein Onn was the prime minister. Of course, we don't expect Najib, nor his cousin, to possess the same integrity and abhorrence to corruption as our third prime minister.

Cinaputra: This is unacceptable and untenable behaviour for a deputy minister, and more so someone in charge of the Finance Ministry.

He claims he is transparent as if his father was a glass maker by occupation. Funds for the folks of Bachok, my foot.

The money went directly into his personal bank account which means it is corruption, pure and simple. They are dregs of society and yet they are allowed to administer the country. - Malaysiakini

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