
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

'Doctor Yeow, you make us sick'

YOURSAY 'Shame on you, Yeow. Do you want Teo Nie Ching's mother to bring some reporters to your doorstep to say thank you?'

Negri MCA chief, DAP MP spar over sick mum

your sayFerdtan: Quote from Hellen Keller: "The best and the most beautiful things must be felt from the heart." Expecting gratitude from the people we help is not charity.

As such, I'm really cheesed off with Negeri Sembilan MCA chief Dr Yeow Chai Thiam who obviously is a politician first and doctor second when he helped a patient.

When we help, we don't brag about it. I remembered my boss once threw away an approved donation receipt and didn't want to use it to claim as a deduction from his income tax.

He said that when he gave to charity, it was from the heart and he did not expect any return from it (not even in the form of tax deduction). That's truism.

Saneesvara: Yeow has shamed himself, his profession and his party with this petty attempt to use an old lady's illness for his political benefit.

Not only that, he has abused his friendship with Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching's uncle only to score scant points against Negeri Sembilan DAP chief Anthony Loke. And Teo is not even his direct opponent and yet he attacked her as being an ingrate.

What else can this be if not a political hacking job. Yeow's help comes at a price that is hidden. This is not in keeping with his often paraded credentials of being a people's friend.

In Seremban, Yeow is known as a staunch Buddhist and has helped many people. I wonder if these people knew that one day Yeow would demand due payment in form of gratitude, votes and public accolade. What a disappointing man Yeow is.

Che: Dr Yeow, I am very puzzled, so please help me by answering these questions:

1) When you are treating a patient do you regard yourself as a doctor or as the Negeri Sembilan MCA chief?

2) As a doctor, are you not under a moral obligation to keep confidential the matters between you and your patients? So why do you make this particular patient matter public?

3) What kind of ‘thanks' will satisfy you? A fruit basket? A glorifying tribute in the various media? A datukship?

4) With your kind of childish petty attitude, do you honestly feel that you are fit for high public position, which I am sure you aspire to?

1M: Can both politicians please shut up. Yeow, while your kind and loving action towards an old woman reflects your caring and responsible attitude, you should not have brought this issue up and make the whole thing so ugly.

Teo, why don't you just thank him, even if it is a hundredth time? Can our politicians please grow up and be mature?

Rubystar_4037: Dr Yeow, you are a disgrace to the medical profession. There are many doctors in the world have gone out on a limb to help those poor destitutes in third world countries and they never ask for any payment or any gratitude.

Now you want to run down Teo, just because you felt you have been slighted by her not thanking you. Or are you trying to grand stand on her politically? I am very sure she have said many thanks to you, but you choose not to listen.

You are in no position to accuse Teo of not being a filial child, she may have done wonders to her mother and outsiders may not know. These kind of MCA chieftains made me sick.

Cloudnine: There are two lessons here for humanity: those who have been helped ought to be grateful. A simple thank you would do. Or in usual custom, a small gift to the helper.

In the past, we used to give a chicken or a duck or fruits from your garden. In turn, we also need to be grateful by helping others in need, whoever they are.

For the helper, don't expect anything in return but continue helping those in need. You are under no obligation to help those pretending to be in need. Neither should you help those who are perfectly capable of helping themselves.

Louis: Dr Yeow, you should be ashamed of yourself in highlighting Teo's sick mother. I have been brought up by my parents who taught me to help others without expecting any return in kind, deeds or words. In this aspect, you are really a shame to my parents, who are illiterate.

FellowMalaysian: Yeow is soliciting for votes by making this matter public. As a medical doctor, it is his pristine duty to extend his assistance to save lives and it looked like he did it with ulterior motives when he demanded that due gratitude be extended to his services.

This is unbecoming of the conduct of a doctor and he should be cited for breach of code of ethics. Obviously, he cared more for his political destiny and is willing to sacrifice his professional integrity.

Free & Fair Election: Shame on you, Yeow. Do you want Teo's mother to bring some reporters to your doorstep to say thank you?

Did Yeow thank Teo's uncle for making the contribution to his dialysis centre? Shame on you. The very thought of this makes me feel sick.

Myop101: Seriously, I couldn't be bothered with MCA. I have seen how their members behave during their AGMs and you know they are largely there not for the meeting.

They can talk all they want about ingratitude but seriously, how have they demonstrate gratitude to fellow Malaysians who contributed to the nation building as they have been in government since 1957?

Or how have they helped the Malaysian of Chinese descent to be precise given the continued erosion of their rights thanks to their big brother Umno?

Satu Malaysian: Is this guy for real? Is he really a medical doctor? How can he speak publicly about his patient and demand gratitude from Teo, which is clearly a breach of professional ethics.

Politicians who also run private enterprises must draw a clear line when it comes to their professions. Every profession is guided by their respective code of ethics and it is an offence to compromise these in the pursuit of one's political goals.

Teo should pull Yeow up and lodge a complain with the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) for the breach of doctor-patient confidentiality.

TVGS: Yeow is a very generous person. He has done more for the poor and needy than most of those who commented here.

However, if what has been reported is true, then his political priority has overridden his ethical stance and he should apologise for dragging this matter before the public.

Kbe: Yeow's message to MCA grassroot members: "Help all irrespective of political affiliation, provided they agree to thank you profusely afterwards." - Malaysiakini

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