
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Haji Najib dares 'stupid' PAS to leave Pakatan

Gathering his troops to face their "toughest election in the history of the country", Umno president Najib Abdul Razak today launched a blistering attack on Pakatan Rakyat in front of 2,700 party delegates.

NONECalling PAS a "stupid" (kedalui) party exploited by DAP, Najib challenged the Islamic party to cut its relationship with the secular DAP.

"If their struggle is based on Islam, stop becoming DAP's friend!" said a fiery Najib in his winding-up speech at the Umno annual general assembly at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur, which was broadcasted live on state television.

During his hour-long speech, Najib entertained the delegates by poking fun at PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

"We never disappoint the people, we never lie to the people. The problem is the one over there. He is not powerful but only good at crowing. He crows loudly like a cock but only lays one egg, sometimes not even one.

"Crow here and crow there, lie here and lie there, cheat here and cheat there, slander here and slander there, play here and play there (main sini, main sana)," he quipped, setting off an explosion of laughter.

anwar ibrahim and wan azizah sodomy trialDescribing Anwar's failed plan to take over Putrajaya on Sept 16, 2008, as "the biggest lie in the history of Malaysia", Najib claimed Anwar tried to entice BN MPs with all kinds of offers through third parties, but none of them accepted.

"This is an undemocratic process," he blasted.

"He has defamed me for three years, but defaming me is not enough - my wife, who is quietly sitting there, is also attacked by him.

"I had sworn in the name of Allah in the mosque four times. I would like to ask him, how many times has he sworn? He did not swear either inside or outside of the mosque. Did he carry the Holy Quran?" Najib asked.

Najib was referring to the oath he took in 2008 to rebut allegations that he was involved in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

"He didn't even dare to swear in court, but he made political speeches. But it (sodomy trial) was not about politics, it was between him and (Mohd) Saiful (Bukhari Azlan), not us. It has nothing to do with us.

"This kind of person wants to become prime minister?" he asked, without once referring to Anwar by name.

'PKR breaks world record in defection'

Najib then derided PKR as the party that broke the world record of having the highest number of members quitting the party, including six MPs, five state assemblypersons, a deputy president, a vice-president, secretary-general, supreme council members and even Anwar's own lawyer.

"So, he uses DAP chairperson (Karpal Singh) as his lawyer. All his secrets are with DAP now, right? His lawyer knows everything about him."

Najib repeated the joke that Anwar should be given an Oscar award for his 'acting' during the Bersih 2.0 demonstration, when the opposition leader was injured and seen lying in hospital, wearing his yellow Bersih T-shirt.

"He wanted to portray to the world that Malaysia is a police state," he lamented.

Najib stressed that his 1Malaysia concept and transformation programmes do not sideline the Malay agenda.

"When I visit the grassroot in estates and Chinese villages, it does not mean I have less commitment to the struggle for Malay interest.

"I did so because we have to ensure this nation receives the support from all ethnic groups because the future of Umno also depends on other races."

Before finishing the speech, Najib forcefully warned that the status of Islam, Malay community and Malay rulers would be undermined if Umno is defeated in the next general election, which he described as the "toughest election in the history of the nation".

"It will determine whether Malaysia will move towards becoming an advanced nation with bright future with Umno and BN, or embark on the tragic road full of destruction with Pakatan Rakyat," he shouted.

"If we remain complacent, humiliation and destruction will fall on us one by one, traitors and liars will destroy our throne, and we will have to squat in our motherland."

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