
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 22, 2011

The heirs of Umno and what would they be inheriting?

The heirs of Umno and what would they be inheriting?
PAP of Singapore is a party for the elite. Nobody can be accepted as a member without having a recommendation and sponsorship by a PAP Member of Parliament. Then, they have to be vetted through, their backgrounds checked and verified before moving onto the next stage.
UMNO is the same but without clearly written-out rules. Even so, it is an elite party by all definitions with a mechanism long put in place and practiced as clearly as the one laid out in black-and-white by the PAP.
Whatever the rationale behind the PAP's stringent recruitment controls, UMNO's top leaders do it to ensure their party is full of people of their own kind; self-centred and corrupt. Ordinary UMNO members have no say at all and no power whatsoever; they can only bark at some trees. By the way they are also not really UMNO members. How so? Read on ...
UMNO is still in power due to manipulation and propaganda
UMNO on its own is similar to the minority and defunct Baath Party of Iraq led by the late Saddam Hussein. It holds onto of power by manipulation, fear-mongering, racism and misuse of all government machineries. Without political and electoral manipulation, plus the UMNO propaganda machine and its never-ending production of scandals and rumors, one can be sure that cronyism, wrong-doing and corruption would not be able to fester so freely as they do now. UMNO would have long ago lost the Malay votes, even in the rural areas which are its last remaining fixed deposit of voters.
If Pakatan Rakyat is able to counter these UMNO manoeuvres in the rural areas and prevent the UMNO propaganda machine from reaching the people in the villages, then UMNO is doomed.
In fact common sense tells us how can the Malays in their right minds, who are proud of their culture and tradition coupled with their Muslim faith choose to associate themselves with a dirty UMNO? How can the Pak Ciks and Mak Ciks accept Shahrizat Jalils, Khir Toyos or even the Najibs for that matter if they know the truth? Don't be surprised the villagers would be the first to scold and denounce such recalcitrant leaders if these were their own sons and daughters!
But this is part of the UMNO propaganda and it is well-known that the 3 million members UMNO claims to possess are actually 'enrolled' without their knowledge and consent. The UMNO membership lists are the worst, the most faked and duplicated. There are hundreds of thousands of phantom names, which have been either manipulated or enticed with money. To boost its membership rolls, the UMNO elite think nothing of paying the membership fees of ordinary members, and then lay claim that such a number are part of its electorate.
Malays shying away from UMNO
But the reality is that many Malays especially the youth have opened their minds to the stark reality of what UMNO really is. They have also been able to gauge the opposition parties and judge their performance, even without being members or taking sides. This group would certainly be willing to give their votes and support to any of the opposition parties as they have their own minds and their zeal has been proven in the July 9 Bersih, the recent demonstration by the university students, the surprisingly strong and widespread support for IIU law professor Aziz Bari and the adhoc group promoting ABU or Anything But UMNO (Asalkan Bukan UMNO).
Of course there are still many who blindly support UMNO but if one were to engage this group in a debate, it would easily put a huge question mark in their minds, and in the end they don’t really have any factual points to counter the arguments against UMNO. One need only visit both the Bersih and Anti-Bersih Facebooks and follow the arguments detailed therein to gauge how strong is actually the discontent with UMNO.
The Malay youth are also fed up with the UMNO older generation that have passed their used-by dates. Leaders like Prime Minister Najib Razak, Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin and Rais Yatim simply can’t seem to understand why they are totally disconnected with the current reality. So out of synch is Najib in particular is that his advisers have even embarked on a gran plan to turn him into a cult hero of sorts. This only makes him more ridiculous to the Malay youth and they laugh at him and his overblown and over-gaudy wife Rosmah Mansor even more.
They are also fed up with the first couple's scandals, the arrogance and stupid speech of leaders such as Nazri Aziz, Mukhriz Mahathir and 'Anwar-backstabber' Zahid Hamidi. The youth are also fed up with those UMNO leaders with the so-called religious background like Mashitah Ibrahim, Jamil Khir Baharom and Mohamad Firdaus whom they consider to be in the same dark cesspool.
As for UMNO YOuth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, he is now a nobody even in the political circles, what more within the Malay community?
Vainglorious attempts by Najib to supplant UMNO's image with his own
In desperation UMNO has engaged PERKASA to try to act as the saviour of the Malays. But the Malays from the entire spectrum have realised that they want the Malays to be saved from the devastation done by UMNO itself! Even UMNO members have voiced out their grievances in the recent UMNO general assembly. Some prominent UMNO members have also voiced their views on the fact that UMNO has to change. Bloggers like Sakmongkol AK47 and Aspan Alias have been very vocal in criticising UMNO.
If Najib is a true leader who has worked for the rakyat (populace) and Malaysia is a true democracy, the students would not have to march against the draconian University and University Colleges Act 1974, which they did last week. Adam Adli, a student protester, would not have taken down a flag portraying Najib's face and get threatened by the Special Branch. If Najib had been a leader with a big heart, he would have acknowledged the true cause behind what was essentially a mini uprising and not take personal offense at the incident.
But Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor are not generous-hearted people. Their priority is to create a false and vainglorious image of themselves and for this, they will go down in the annals of Malaysian history as the most ridiculous and wastrel-ever first couple.
The first thing Najib should have done as a responsible leader is to acknowledge the grouses of youth. Second, take immediate steps to close the gap between the nation's youth and the government of the day. But no, his administration frozed. It went in the opposite direction, proclaiming Najib as some sort of overly grand dictator with omniscient power and foresight, and the university students as Pakatan Rakyat-branwashed lackeys. Pakatan should thank Najib and UMNO's - sorry to say, stupid - advisers for boosting their membership rolls!
It is especially galling for ordinary Malaysians to see Najib behave so "without calibre or no standard" given the hundreds of millions he has wasted on expensive public relations fees. Money spent on APCO and FBC Media has indeed been burnt without a thought to how the nation's 28 million people had to struggle to earn that income.
UMNO's high-culture response - a 'spit at the people' campaign
Now when Adam Adli brought down the flag with Najib’s image, many supported the feisty young lad, who has a style all of his own. However, UMNO-sponsored NGO Perkasa went and produced a video that again show-cased the dearth of talent in UMNO.
In defense of Najib and Rosmah, a group of thuggish-looking UMNO members shouted vulgarity, venomous remarks, threatening to slap and spit at just Adam Adli. Who should the youth of Malaysia choose - Adam Adli or UMNO-inspired 'spitting' thugs?
Seriously, these UMNO guys must have been paid a handsome amount each to take part in such a low-culture production! They too are an embarrassment to the everyday Pak Ciks and the Mak Ciks, who would straightaway slap their kids if they threatened to spit at other people or display such crude upbringing.
Although, Ibrahim Ali, the founder of Perkasa, did not appear in the video, many of the 'actors' who did are aligned to him. Ibrahim Ali is another huge embarrassment to the Malays and Malay culture.
Perkasa with its extreme racism and hollow values too is an embarrassment to the Malays and should be outlawed. It failed to march against the July 9 Bersih ralliers, who braved all sorts of threats and physical violence from a police force subservient to Najib and his cousin, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.
Indeed, why should any Malaysian accept the flying of any flag adorned with the image of Najib's face. Instead, they should pelt him and his wife with tomatoes and rottens for squandering their heard-earned money. Same to the other UMNO leaders, like Mahathir Mohamad, Abdullah Badawi and Muhyiddin Yassin, who also participated in the raping of the country's coffers.
UMNO's foreseeable future
UMNO is facing both a deep internal and huge leadership crisis with unstoppable squabbling. The lacklustre, the mediocre and the untrustworthy are all fighting to gain ground and dictate the future of the party. In fact, no one in UMNO now has the stature of a leader. Whoever that the power brokers have in mind and are betting on are not worthwhile to be called leaders. They can’t sincerely win the aspirations of the rakyat; only through manipulation, cheating and physical violence. This is the state of play in UMNO now. A trapped and dangerous beast led by a president who has no idea of what planet he is currently living on.
Thus, while there are huge assets in UMNO to inherit, there is a huge question mark as to who the heirs will be. UMNO is in short an empty vessel as far as talent is concerned. It is outdated, out of fashion and out of touch with reality. Truly,  UMNO has gone stinking bad and the stench is nauseating to the Malays and the rakyat in general.
Many within UMNO itself believe that UMNO has to fail, it has to collapse. Like a boil, it must be pricked and the posion and pus released before it can be revived. Only then, can it be brought back to a form acceptable to society, humanity and civilization. Only then, can it regain its power and glamour.
As it is, under the hocus-pocus and fraud leadership of Najib, Rosmah and their sycophants, UMNO is not worth saving. And this is being noted by some of wealthy power brokers including the likes of the shrewd Daim Zainuddin and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. As the saying goes, why throw good money after bad?
Malaysia Chronicle

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