
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 12, 2011

Mincing the Malaysian Hospitality

Award winning Malaysian Hospitality

Loyalty in the corporate world is difficult to find. For most people in the rat race, its always about who pays you top dollar, gives you maximum benefits for whatever expertise, skills or capabilities you may have. Few companies inspire loyalty from their employees to the extent that those employees remain with the company in spite of tempting offers from competitors, less than optimum working conditions and various other shortcomings.

Malaysia Airlines (Before Fernandes) was one such company. Everyone knows the National Carrier has been to hell and back (and is well on it’s way for a second trip there, thanks to Fernandes). Its an airline that’s been passed over from CEO to CEO, and is mired in financial difficulties. But somwhere in that airline is the core group of people who have an unshakable attachment to the airline, a belief that they were doing more than just a job by serving in the nation’s most visible flag bearer, an, up until recently, a confidence that the government will protect Malaysia Airlines no matter what. Among them are pilots who have decades of experience and flight hours, engineers sought after by the global aviation industry, and of course the courteous and refined Cabin Crew that have made Malaysia’s in-flight experience legendary.

This group of people knew their worth. All of them were courted and wooed, enticed to join “global” airlines and aviation players for better pay and perks. But each one of them steadfastly turned the offers down. “We only fly with MH” they would proudly say. “It’s got problems, but Malaysia Airlines has been kind to us and we will remain here to make it the best airline it can be.”

And then came Turbulence. A menace with a name like a garage band: Tony Fernandez and the dodgy share swappers.

To the core group of MH loyalists, the swap was a betrayal of the worst kind. A sell-out to the very foe they have sacrificed everything to defeat. To many who have spent decades with the airline, it was the realisation of something unthinkable.

Needless to say, morale sank to an all time low. Unions met, tempers flared and options were discussed. And finally, after much painful deliberation and reflection, even the most ardent of MAS loyalists decided that for them, it was over.

Those that can retire, did. Those that can move on, packed up.

“We rejected every offer that came our way before, why? Because we wanted to stay with Mas. Why? Because we wanted to help it fight Air Asia.” Said one senior In-Flight Supervisor. “Surely they cannot expect us to stay on and work with the person who is trying to kill us? Do they want us to help him find the best place in our body in which he can plunge his dagger?”.

This sentiment is shared by all senior staff of MH. “We simply can’t stay on, much as we love MH” said one leading stewardess, a loyal MAS girl for 16 years. “It goes against everything I believe to now serve Tony Fernandes”

And so they have opted to leave. Within the three weeks after the Fernandes-engineered lop-sided share swap was announced,THREE HUNDRED senior cabin crew members threw in the towel and left.

Many joined Singapore Airlines which welcomed them with open arms, knowing MH cabin crew were among the best in the business. Quite a few joined Garuda, who is now re-launching their brand with gusto, offering crews double what they were previously earning. And the rest who left joined the ever expanding Middle-eastern airlines.

“Basically anywhere but MH… Because MH is being slowly murdered by Air Asia and Tony Fernandes” said another chief steward cryptically.

Not a word from MH new management or from Khazanah. At one Press Conference Azman Mokhtar, Tony’s lapdog in Khazanah, was reported to have said that the share swap will not disrupt MAS operations at all.

Excuse me Mr. Cheapo Low Cost Carrier, I think the abrupt departure of 300 of your service front-liners would affect ANY service organizations, what more a full SERVICE airline.

The reaction from passengers was immediate and torrential. Within weeks of the share swap, MH was deluged with thousands of service complaints largely along the lines of inexperienced staff not knowing what they are supposed to do. How can we expect any better when ALL the experienced people have left! So an ailing airline that had only ONE good thing going for it -It’s in flight service- is now losing even THAT. And we still think that Azman Mokhtar, Danny Yusoff , Ahmad Jauhari and Tony Fernandes are not out to destroy MAS in favour of Air Asia?

Gotta hand it to Fernandes. So much pain caused by him and his merry men. Never before have so many been so distraught by the actions of so few, to paraphrase Churchill. And from the looks of it, they are not done.

Fasten your seatbelts, if you haven’t yet abandoned ship. It’s a long way from clear skies for Malaysia Airlines.

- bigdogdotcom

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