
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

National unity according to 'Malay first' DPM

YOURSAY 'The only unity is when BN component parties come together to help themselves with the national wealth, with Umno taking the lion share.'

Muyhiddin: Don't destroy unity that BN has built

Changeagent: BN's unsustainable concept of racial and religious unity is based predominantly on its manipulation of the 'Ketuanan Melayu' concept, whereby the minorities must accept themselves as second-class citizens.

Anyone or group who disagrees or dares to challenge this notion will be viewed as undermining the unity foundations that BN have 'painstakingly' built.

There seems to be a subtle yet strong hidden message in DPM Muhyiddin Yassin's warning, that is, minorities should know their place and accept the status quo. To do otherwise would be to invoke the ire of BN.

Clever Voter: Unity has virtually been destroyed by the BN government. After more than 50 years of independence, the only unity is when BN component parties come together to help themselves with the national wealth, with Umno taking the lion share.

Malaysia has a unique problem of ethnic adversity when these component ruling parties chose to promote their own indulgence, all in the name of promoting their own race against the other.

Community leaders should remind themselves to replay the tape of the speeches these corrupt leaders made in their respective parties before extending their invitations to them. For goodness, let's spare us with the pains of listening to their filth and propaganda.

Not Confused: Unity that BN has painstakingly built? This is a joke, right? I just cannot believe how thick-skinned some of the BN leaders actually are - that they think we are all just as stupid as they are is almost unbelievable.

This banal statement will now be balanced with a few contradictory statements in the coming days and weeks by others in BN. And they all have the effrontery to claim that criticising the ruling regime, is confusing to the poor, supposedly uninformed rakyat.

Just keep tap-dancing while the whole BN edifice crumbles around you.

Swipenter: It is an open secret that Umno's political hegemony over BN and the country is destroying the dreams of our founding fathers, that is to build a united Malaysia based on our diversity.

Instead, Umno in the last four decades has used our diversity to divide instead of uniting us. They have been very successful in dividing and ruling over us by using fear, and factors involving race and religion.

The promotion of the ‘ketuanan' doctrine has even come to spawn nowadays ultra and extreme right-wing Malay NGOs and organisations that are actively promoting that this country is only meant for one race and one religion, and others are forced upon them through the inconvenience of history.

Look at how many times Umno threaten the minorities with violence since May 13, 1969, if the latter does not accept their second-class citizen status.

James Dean: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Umno, with the help of MCA and MIC, had destroyed the unity our people enjoyed since independence.

Mahathir had changed the make-up of the civil service, the police, the judiciary and the Armed Forces that they will not be able to do an unbiased job.

Mahathir had introduced corrupt practice into every aspect of the government machinery that anyone that had any dealings with the government is tainted. Even after two PMs have come after him, they were not able to undo the corrupt web he had woven into all aspects of our life.

His policies were all aimed to disunite the people and it had only benefitted a few who will do his bidding. The people are so disunited today that only a change in government can bring about a meaningful transformation to a better Malaysia.

For you, Muhyiddin, there is no more unity among the people to destroy as Mahathir and you had done an excellent in doing the destruction.

Goliath: What stern warning? Just look at the number of incidents happened in 2011 where irresponsible people were out there causing disunity among people of different races and different religions.

How many of them were actually arrested and punished? Practically none. Don't just talk - act.

Kingfisher: It is good to hear Muhyiddin make a statement defending ‘unity'.

Some would think that while this would seem quite out of his character, going by some of his statements in recent years, which can be misconstrued as not being ‘pro-unity', it is nevertheless recognised as a real world wisdom of a season politician.

What he has to struggle against is the narrow mindedness of those who want to arrest progress and stall the growth of a Malaysian civilisation by making absurd claims and instigating others to sow racial divisions and animosities in national social relations.

Let us give the PM Najib Razak's commendable 1Malaysia vision some meaningful substance all around... not mere sloganeering.

Ruben: Sorry Muhyiddin, Malaysia's unity is actually being destroyed by BN.

It is because of BN that Malaysia is more polarised then ever. It is because of BN that religious and racial tensions are purposely brought up for political reasons without any regards to what damage it is doing to this beautiful country of ours, and last but not least it is because of people like you who pay lip service to our ‘Malaysia First' slogan by openly saying your race comes first before your nationality.

So please don't mock us with your stern warning.

Onyourtoes: DPM, many things you said are not correct, No, BN did not painfully build unity for this country. On the contrary, it is the people trying to stay united despite being dissected, fissured and broken into bits and pieces by BN the last 50 years.

Don't make sweeping statement again; Malaysia is not the only country that allows the people to celebrate various cultural and religious festivals together, despite their different backgrounds. Other countries celebrate genuine diversity; here we allow tokenism and fake diversity.

Of course, if we have a Reverend Eu Hong Seng, it must be matched by a Reverend George Harrison. One reverend against another reverend, it could not be more perfect. By the way, why Kajang, is that the only place you can find a right reverend?

Anak JB: The Malay first DPM and Umno's Utusan Malaysia are preaching fear of supposedly Christian zealots coverting Muslims and predominantly Chinese DAP taking away Malay's rights.

These are the same people talking about national unity. Let's not speak with forked tongue.

Trumpet Call: There cannot be true unity until the top leadership of the government, those at the helm of the country, demonstrate what it means by their speeches and their actions.

They cannot call for unity and yet with the same breath spurt out racist remarks against the non-Malays as well as vitriolics against an imaginary Christian onslaught, giving rise to a widening divide between the Muslims and the Christians.

In other words, Muhyiddin must first walk his talk.

Martha: Mr DPM, what are you trying to say? Your statement is truly puzzling. Who is responsible for destroying the unity in this country in the first place?

One thing I know is that it is definitely not the opposition. They are working with the rakyat to bring about peace and unity to the country. - Malaysiakini

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