
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 17, 2011

NGO: Muhyiddin, why silence on Interlok withdrawal?

The revelation yesterday of the withdrawal of the novel Interlok cannot be taken as final until the relevant minister Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin himself announces it, said an NGO today.

“(We) find that the statement yesterday by Human Resource Minister S Subramaniam cannot be considered official.

NONE“A statement regarding the novel Interlok should by right come from the minister responsible for the relevant portfolio, that is Muhyrddin Yassin,” said Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (Mipas) sec-gen S Barathidasan.

He slammed Subramaniam’s statement on the matter as “inauthentic” and said it was meant to “fish for votes” on the heels of the coming general election.

He added that the education minister need not remain silent on the matter, as it was an issue of national interest.

“When is Muhyiddin going to announce it? A day before the 13th general election polling day?” said the NGO leader in a statement.

Barathidasan of MIPASHe said Mipas has long called for the novel, deemed offensive to the Indian community, to be withdrawn but regretted that the education minister would “employ someone else to deliver the message” of its withdrawal.

Barathidasan (right) called for Muhyiddin to issue an official statement right away lest it be seen as “political sandiwara” (sideshow).

Yesterday, Subramaniam, who is also MIC deputy president, announced that the cabinet had in their meeting decided towithdraw the controversial novel from the school syllabus.

The move comes after a year of fierce protests by NGOs and civil society, in which the BN component party had been criticised for having little involvement in.
Hot on the heels of the latest decision is Malay rights pressure group Perkasa, who slammed MIC for insulting the dignity of the Malays just so it could win points with the Indian community as the GE looms.

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