
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 24, 2011

PKR big guns in Bukit Antarabangsa.

Injunction filed to stop Felda's listing NFC: Mahfuz warns MACC over probe, says PM, DPM must also be called

  • Tonight AA, Zuraida Kamaruddin, RR and a lawyer who grew up within the  Felda settlement  give a talk about current issues in BA. My daughter did not attend as she went out with her mum spending her father hard earned money after getting an excellent PMR results.
  • As usual political events do not start on time. This one started 30 minutes late. Earlier ,  I had  text YB Zu that her team needs  to be prepared to answer some questions. On arrival I did not see any microphone in the public sitting area. I inquired and requested from the organizer. My argument is simple i.e. Its not everyday that we had such opportunity to be with our ADUN and MP. They denied my request on the basis that this is not a dialog session. My point of contention is that during the recent UMNO event in BA, they are prepared to receive questions than why are our elected reps are not ready to do so. Frankly it is most disappointing. I think they know the kind of questions that I will ask and was not prepared to answer them publicly. YB Zu offered me to ask question in private which I declined as they know it will bring up the problem within PR.
  • I am fully aware about the NFC and Felda issues and shall not dwell it here. They all spoke about the  governance in Selangor and how the SSG raised its reserved to over  RM1.28bill from a meager RM400 mill 3 years ago.  The MB said that it was the highest in the last 28 years. They attributed it to clean government. That is partially true. Any government can also raise their reserves if they don’t spend the money for the needy. It is all about creative accounting.
  • If one delay the expenditure beyond the budget day than the reserves do appear higher. In any case why does the government need to keep so much reserves? How much is enough? Even with RM400 mill reserves, the previous SSG is able to run the state government. What’s the point of having such a high reserves when the roads in BA are full of potholes.
  • We are talking about a territory that is under  TWO key people of PKR and yet the SSG can’t do anything?  As if RR doesn’t know that. He is also a resident here and probably the closest person to the MB today.  The road is being patched everywhere once every few weeks.  MPAJ told me they had no money to turf the roads in BA. They did not receive adequate funds from the state to do the job. They need at least RM6 mill to re-turf the entire  major roads in BA. What is RM6 mill compared to RM1.28 bill? Clearly it is a sign that our elected reps are neglecting their own grounds and the MB has a mismatched priority when it comes to money. Running the state is not the same as running a corporation. It appears the MB has yet to to take off his corporate hat fully.
  • I came prepared to ask two questions. The first related to the poor road condition in BA, which ZK gave me  a “bola tanggung”. I could have sent the ball back into her court with ease with my question and I am certain that she could not answer it. The second was about the absolute zero support from SSG on abandon housing and the water supply issue for Ukay Bistari. I told YB Zu, I have solved the temporary water supply issue on our own and without the MB help.  I asked her to relay that to the MB.
  • I am extremely disappointed that my elected representative that cant  even do anything to help abandon house buyers or assist the association for an appointment to see the MB. We are not asking for money but administrative assistance.  I have written several letters to him over the last one-year and our MB never replied them properly and never give me an appointment date. Honestly, it is easier for me to  see the Minister of Housing. All it takes is one phone call! On the 27th of December I will talk to the media about Ukay Bistari and I will tell the truth as it is. I am not a politician and don’t know how to twist and turn facts. I am a straight shooter.
  • To PR,  I sincerely hope that they  organize a dialog with the residents. They don’t  need to be afraid to answers questions from the ground. It is one way to get unadulterated feedback from the ground. It is always easy telling the audience a story and making allegations when they are not allowed to ask back.

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