
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Subra II snub for Palanivel: A challenge on the cards at MIC?

Subra II snub for Palanivel: A challenge on the cards at MIC?

Malaysian Indian Congress deputy president S Subramaniam, dubbed Subra ll, appears oblivious to the recent history which has brought his party to an unprecedented new low in its history.

He suddenly wants to make it known to all and sundry, for no apparent reason, that MIC President G Palanivel had nothing whatsoever to do with his rise in the party. Instead, he rushes to credits former MIC chief S Samy Vellu for placing him where’s he’s now in the party. Subra II may not realize it but he comes across as wanting to worship Samy forever as a demi-god for this supposed “favour” to him.

“Everybody now, including the present president, are people who were supported, brought in, and developed by the past president. We can’t deny it," Subra II told the press last week.

Snub for Palanivel

It was a direct snub for Palanivel, who had comically insisted that he was not afraid of any challenge from Subra II as he was the one who had brought Subra II into the MIC.

Not surprisingly, supporters of Palanivel say Subra ll clearly had no right to speak that way and at the same time issue 'sanctimonious pontifications' on how great Samy was to have groomed him. To add insult to injury, Subra II is serious about wanting to go for the presidency itself at the next outing, they fumed.

So what has Palanivel done to deserve this fate so quickly at the hands of Subra ll beats anyone! However, being members of the 'fatalistic brigade', their supporters may try to put it down to their old karma. Perhaps Subra II and Palanivel were dog and cat in past lives, but whether one believes in reincarnation or not, taking a stand in politics isn’t uncommon.

It is actually quite a self-serving approach and aimed purely to suit their own convenience - albeit not their supporters'. At any given point in time, allegiance can change. And changes can surely be expected to be swift and sudden because the winds of politics blow strong, silent and unpredictably. Especially in a party of intrigue such as the MIC.

Burning his bridges

Subra ll is the classic 'mandore' politician in one great hurry. He may be the next destined one to sit under Umno's table to catch all the crumbs that fall off. As Human Resource minister, he is actually already seated and quite well on the Umno-driven BN gravy train.Perhaps he isn’t satisfied with his share of the crumbs.

It’s difficult to figure out what Subra ll can possibly gain by treading on toes especially Palanivel’s. In the end, it doesn’t really matter how smart someone is, if that person cannot work or cooperate with the people around him or get along with them especially the numero uno.

Respect is also the very minimum consideration. Mocking one’s chief in public is a huge 'No, No'. So to speculate that something is brewing is perfectly in order, say the usual MIC watchers.

Yet, by somewhat openly cavorting with Samy, a political leper within the Indian community, Subra ll has dug his grave. Prudence dictates that he should keep a distance from Samy and keep mum on any help rendered by him to climb the greasy pole in politics. After all, in politics, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

Umno having second thoughts about Palanivel?

Having said that, one point to consider is whether Umno has teamed up with Samy to overthrow Palanivel via Subra ll.Yes, the intrigue begins all over again. How come? Possibly, it is because Palanivel has not been able to really consolidate his hold on the party, let alone the Indian community.

Anyway, the jury is still out on this. But no one can put it past Umno and Samy to continue to foment endless mischief in MIC, all over again, to lure the Indian community into the politics of distraction and disruption.

This is the second time in as many weeks that Subra ll is in the news and for the wrong reasons.

Earlier, he was claiming that 60 to 70 per cent of the Indian community is now with the ruling Barisan Nasional after apparently being taken up by mere promises on paper. The current level of support, Subra ll further claimed, compared favourably with the “measly” 40 per cent of Indians – still too high – who supported the BN in 2008.

Subra ll should keep in mind the tragedy of Subra l, his namesake and predecessor and also known as Whiskey Maniam, who once held his post and lost it because he behaved like a prima donna.

Rivals watch closely

According to the Hindraf Makkal Sakthi, the Indian community lost over three decades because they were riveted on the infamous and perennial Samy-Subra l clash purportedly engineered by Umno.

The ruling party, according to the ad hoc human rights organisation, wanted to keep the Indian community distracted by the sheer entertainment elements in the Samy-Subra Tamil melodrama. By the time the Indian community woke up to the political realities of the 21st century, 50 years had gone by and 450,000 members of the community were stateless.

A really far-fetched story and a reason why Hindraf Makkal Sakthi has failed to replace MIC in the hearts and minds of the Indian community. One has been proven to be fake and dishonest and the other sure looks like it will go that way too once it climbs into power! This is perhaps what the Indians might be thinking. For sure, they are giving both groups a wide berth.

Subra ll, as the Human Resources Minister, should keep himself useful and focus on the stateless Indians instead of downplaying the plight of the community to cover up for

Weak track record and the last hurrah

GE 13 will be MIC’s last hurrah and Subra ll the last of the Mohicans, assuming he wins the MIC presidency. No matter what he does, it is just too late to expect the Indians to take him to their bosoms and start to forgive and forget - and most of all, to vote for the MIC.

So far Subra ll has nothing much to show for all the time he has been at the Human Resources Ministry. He should focus on the work here – persuade the Indonesian maids to come back for one -- and not on endless politicking.

Subra ll has not endeared himself to local workers either by making retrograde amendments to the Employment Act and sitting on the Minimum Wage Act. If much poorer Thailand can implement a minimum wage of RM 1,500 per month, there’s no excuse for Malaysia not to do likewise.

The days of not sharing the cake with Malaysian workers is over unless the MIC and the BN are gluttons for punishment and are prepared to put up with further losses at the ballot boxes.

Indeed the fact that Subra ll has been sniggering at the Selangor Government’s decision to implement minimum wage doesn’t augur too well for Malaysian workers.

Business as usual

Patently, having thrown down the gauntlet, Palanivel would be foolish to field Subra ll at the next General Election. He would simply be storing up endless trouble for the future if he continues to humour his deputy.

Although, it is not known at this juncture whether Subra ll is a benign or malignant cancer, Palanivel should really consider axing him from the party to keep on the safe side. Better safe than sorry, so say the president's men.

Whatever happens and one can expect the usual horse-trading, flip flops and U-turns, it looks like MIC is finally starting to heat up, although not in the way the Indian community would wish.

It appears that the party, like Umno, cannot change its spots. Business will be as usual - politicking and more politicking, rather servicing and caring for the Indian community!

Malaysia Chronicle

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