
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 19, 2011


By: INFO88 Comunity
MINISTER of Rural and Regional Development (MRRD), Dato 'Seri Mohd Shafie, have obviously been instructed Deputy Secretary General (SE) Dato' Yussoff Dohab, to approve the Access Road project Kg. Menawo, Keningau Sabah in Tender Limited to 10 PKK Class B companies in Sabah.
Treasury Circular (SPP) and SPP-2009 Bil.9 Bil.2002 clearly says that all tenders exceeding RM10 million to the prior approval of the Ministry of Finance. This means that the tender ministry under RM10 million is under the full authority of the Minister-mail system.
It is clear the Minister MRRD has deviated and directed the class B limited tender Tender Board approved the ministry for Access Road Project Kg. Menawo, Keningau Sabah.
But after the tender carried out, the project cost exceeds the tender limit PKK Class B and had to appoint a Company Juz Jati Sdn Bhd (Company Class B) with the price of RM 11 million.
In this regard the ministry had to make an application to the Finance Ministry to approve the project on a special view of all matters pertaining to the tender and appointment of contractors has been made.
Ministry of Finance vide its letter SKKEW / PL / SK KI 1/700/810209/156/12-43 3 vol 12 (7) dated October 3, 2011 had informed the ministry that the implementation of a limited tender for the project on irregular for not complying with regulations stipulated in Treasury Circular (SPP) and SPP-2009 Bil.9 Bil.2002.
Fury who is this?This is the plot of the contractor with ministry. MRRD Minister Private Secretary, Dr. Aris Najmil Faiz bin Mohamad, has given a memo to Dato 'Yussoff Dohab on the direction of the Minister of MRRD to approve this project to the 10 companies in the Group B class alliances Juz Jati Sdn Bhd Company.
Dr. Faiz Najmil has ordered the ministry's approval letter is made to the company and includes special approval letter to the Ministry of Finance Malaysia. Finally, this project is not approved by the Ministry of Finance and be re-tendered in the open.
Compassionate ministry officials were forced to sign a letter to the Ministry of Finance, which eventually can destroy their careers. What is the fate of the officers involved in the implementation of this tender?
MOH letter clearly says: "The officers involved in the implementation of a limited tender for this project should be identified and subject to disciplinary action. A copy of the disciplinary report shall be submitted to the Finance Ministry for the record ".
Who are the officers involved? What ministry development division officer or MRRD Procurement Division will be victimized by the negligence of the Minister MRRD Deputy Secretary General of the Socio wrong advice and Dr. Faiz Najmil this?
What is perhaps the commission was obtained by Dr. Faiz Najmil this? (Generally known ministry officials Minister was very strong, especially SUS Minister requesting bribes).
Why is the Minister of MRRD is easily influenced by Dr Najmil and Deputy Secretary General so willing to intervene in the tender ministry? Is not clear in the circular that all tenders exceeding RM10 million must be with the permission of the Ministry of Finance.
Does this reflect the most restricted tender previously planned ministry there are many irregularities?MACC should investigate why there are shortcomings and negligence in the management of that tender ministry officials are not victimized by the Minister or officer of the Minister of the greedy.
Let's look at the fate of the Minister of ministry officers died on the hand like Dr. Najmil this. After this there will be new revelations.
READ MALAY TEXT : http://www.sabahkini.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9514:tender-gate-kklw-siri-pertama&catid=35:berita-sabah&Itemid=27

- Sabahkini

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