
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ustaz: PAS' hudud deviates from Quran

The Terengganu Menteri Besar's religious adviser Mohd Kamal Sadin today said the hudud law enacted by the Kelantan state government is against Allah's laws.

MCA hudud forum - Left fathul and right kamalSpeaking at a forum entitled 'Hudud and its implications on non-Muslims in Malaysia' at the MCA headquarters, Kamal (right in photo) said this was true because several provisions in the Kelantan Hudud Enactment 1993 were not according to the Quran and Hadis.

"In it, mukallaf (puberty) is defined as someone who is above 18 years old and is sound of mind, this is British and European law, not Islamic law... In Islam mukallaf is 15 years old."

He pointed out that under the law, sodomy with one's wife is also possible.

"In Islam, this is supposed to be haram (illegal)."

Shooting down PAS' argument that hudud law would only affect Muslims, Kamal added that actual hudud law applies to both Muslims and non-Muslims as it did during Prophet Muhammad's time.

He added that under PAS' hudud law, a Muslim rape victim would be punished under hudud law but the non-Muslim who raped her would not be charged.

"So how can you have two sets of laws? This is unfair."

NONEPAS, Kamal said, deliberately formulated a flawed law for political expediency.

"They deliberately make mistakes in the enactment so that it will be rejected for political mileage, then they can accuse Umno for supposedly rejecting hudud."

The forum, organised by MCA's think-tank Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (Insap) today was attended by the party's top leadership including several ministers and deputy ministers, led by its president Chua Soi Lek.

Among its other speakers were International Movement for a Just World (Just) president Chandra Muzaffar, Umno Young Ulamas Working Committee chairperson Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya and lawyer Edmund Bon (above).

PAS obsessed with hudud

Meanwhile, Chandra said that when Kelantan passed its hudud enactment, it had a narrow view on criminal law.

"Islamic law is about forgiveness and repentance but this element is not considered in PAS' hudud," he said, adding that Islam is more than hudud and PAS had failed to look at the larger picture of Islam.

Recalling his experience as former deputy PKR president in Barisan Alternatif, he said PAS had an obsession with hudud and a mentality to literally interpret its religion.

"There is an obsession for literal interpretation of religion... When this happens, they marginalise all other interpretations. This is what happens when you have the hudud mentality.

"Anything that doesn't conform to their narrow views they will reject, that is why PAS often protest against concerts."

NONEHe said that Muslims should instead subscribe to the wider and universal values of Islam and apply it to the contemporary context.

He warned against 'enthroning the hudud mentality' of PAS as once it is implemented, it will become deeply entrenched and cannot be reversed.

Echoing this, Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee (right) who was present as a moderator, appealed to MCA leaders to prevent the implementation of hudud law.

"Our Deputy Prime Minister (Muhyiddin Yassin's) stance (on hudud) is 'maybe', so MCA must hold that last line of defence," he said.

He added that the underlying principle was for people to reject any forms of cruel punishment including the death penalty, a stance that would naturally translate into opposition to hudud law.

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