
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 2, 2012


VISIT…. Hiew and Edward visiting the exhibition booth at the launching of the KK IJM in QE2.
A 50 YEAR old man who suffered from Falx Meningioma (brain tumour) has been operated three times and has been dependent on Ryle's tube feeding since last year. The Ryle's tube has to be changed every two weeks.
He went to Polyclinic Luyang on 28th January to change his Ryle's tube, which was done by a Male paramedical staff. Although the patient was still having coughing, his wife was told everything was okay, and allowed him to go home. At home, the wife fed him liquid (milk) through his Ryle's tube and noted that he was turning blue, and having difficulties in his breathing.
He was immediately brought to the Casualty Department of QE1, where it was found out that the Ryle's tube instead of being inserted into his stomach has gone into his right lung causing his whole right lung to collapse.
Luckily, he was brought in fast and was incubated and put on a ventilator machine for 4 days plus anti-biotic treatment, and his lungs were able to slowly expand again.
This is a clear case of medical shortfall and negligence on the part of the medical personnel, and that could have been easily ended up in a fatality.
The KK MP Hiew King Cheu was informed of this case today and he immediately paid a visit to the patient in QE1 with the Sabah DAP Medical Advisory Bureau Chief cum Tanjong Aru Branch Chairman Dr. Felix Chong Kat Fah along with Sabah DAP Vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie and his assistant Stephen Yarman.
The patient looks very weak although his condition is under recovery. The doctor in charge told Hiew that the condition of the patient is improving and the lung is gaining back its function gradually. The doctor showed the X-ray pictures on the collapsed right lung on the 28th of January, and today’s picture shown with more expansion on the right lung is a good sign.
MP Hiew said this should not had happened if the job on replacing the Ryle’s Tube was done with up most care and not done without X-ray to confirm the position of the tube whether it was inserted correctly. This mistake could have caused the life of the patient, MP Hiew wants the Ministry of Health and especially the hospital must conduct an investigation and to publish a full report.
At least, the patient’s family should receive an apology officially. It is becoming common that mistake from the hospitals here which caused life lost and agony. Why there is no proper measures taken to avoid and stop these from happening any more?
- Sabahkini

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