
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 2, 2012

In a huff over the unspoken: PAS never killed a Chinese, did anyone say unlike Umno!

In a huff over the unspoken: PAS never killed a Chinese, did anyone say unlike Umno!
It is simply appalling to know that there are still so many clownish candidates left in the MCA. Allan Liew is the latest to join the BN queue condemning Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and making police reports against him.
Since the day the Pakatan Rakyat took over Selangor and Penang, everyone has tried to take a dig at Guan Eng, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim. BN leaders seems so paranoid about the Opposition and insecure about themselves, and this applies all the way from Ministers and politicians to the laymen.
Recently, Ng Yen Yen the Tourism Minister also joined the bandwagon, creating a huge fuss and questioning the Penang state government's ability to govern all because of a car park, while Jessie Ooi tried to attack but made a fool of herself over parking bays and tow trucks, and boy! the repercussions are still reverberating till today.
Very dangerous, yet PAS never killed a Chinese!
As for Allan Liew, no one knew him until he made a police report against Lim Guan Eng for saying that, “PAS never killed a Chinese”. What happened was that during the Great Chinese debate held earlier this month, MCA president Chua Soi Lek had kept warning that the Chinese should fear PAS as it was very dangerous and wanted to implement hudud law. Guan Eng rebutted by reassuring the audience that “PAS never killed a Chinese".
If Umno was feeling guilty as its members did indeed chop up several dozen Chinese during the May 13, 1969 riots, maybe this is why it may have brainwashed MCA stooges like Allan Liew into lodging that police complaint for of all things - being racist! Otherwise, it looks like the MCA itself was being 'over-protective' of Umno. But as usual, it backfired.
By displaying such craven subservience to Umno, MCA has set off fresh murmuring that it is willing to betray the Chinese community just to win political power - witness the police report against Guan Eng - who is after all a Chinese leader too.
Such hypocritical and false sensitivity over the word 'kill'. If on the way to work, my car exhaust suddenly springs a leak, and makes so much noise at the car park that I have to kill the engine, wll the car park operators pin me for murder? Every morning, I wake up to the crowing of the cockerel, killing the silence of the dawn. Do I make a report against the cockerel for disturbing my sleep?
Senseless Bozos
But these days, the BN seems to be making police reports by the hundreds against Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Guan Eng as if these two are the biggest crooks in the country. We know that Anwar and Guan Eng are not exactly angels, but they are starting to sound like they are, thanks to all the nonsensical attempts at character assassination against them.
Somehow, these two characters seem to unravel the dark side in their rival politicians, turning them into uncontrollable, demonic freaks salivating continuously and rushing at the nearest opportunity to make police reports. Are they hoping by trial and error to deliver to the Police the perfect excuse to lock up these two angels. Yes, the more the BN goes after them, the more the public is protective about them. Really, doesn't the MCA know the police have better things to do than to entertain such bozos like Allan Liew?
But you can bet that you haven't seen the last of the Police Reports against Guan Eng and Anwar yet. Until BN secures a two-thirds majority, the pair will continue to be a thorn in its flesh. Already, attempts are being made to kill them off politically! Oops! A slip of the tongue! It should be to “bungkus“ or finish them off politically.
The BN modus operandi of killing two birds with one stone...Oops again!... is so familiar that one can't help but think that the BN is impotent. The BN has run out of bright ideas and is incapable of thinking straight!.
Massage parlors and white ang-pows
No wonder, our dear 86-year-old ex-PM Mahathir Mohamad still has an edge over them. Being the patron of Perkasa and having cordial relations with JATI and the Perak Mufti, his tacit nod to their use of the ‘Christian Element' to derail the coming polls is at least a slightly fresher idea. But just as reprehensible!
Meanwhile, Chua Soi Lek’s clownish arguments in the recent DAP-MCA debate sounded so hilarious, while his son Tee Yong seems to think that the flourishing of massage parlors and other sex related industries are due to the indifferent attitude of the Pakatan Rakyat state governmentx.
Someone should tell Tee Yong to ask his dad - is it true that when men want to be 'funny', they will go through all lengths to satisfy their urges and no one can stop them, not even a hidden DVD camera or two!
Then there was MCA branch Chairman Collin Tiew, who resigned in a huff after he was blamed for helping Ibrahim Ali to organize the white ang-pows fiasco. Strange that "stock-up" Ibrahim, who had shamelessly invoked the fear of May 13 during the run-up to the July 9 Bersih rally, didn't feel the least need to quit or to apologize, yet the ever-humble MCA saw fit to get Collin to resign.
Betraying the community's Achilles heel - but is it really?
As for Chew Mei Fun - does anyone still remember her ? - well, she recently warned her Chinese voters that, ”if there isn't sufficient Chinese representation in the Barisan Nasional, it is not a good thing; the Chinese community cannot afford another May 13 incident". Isn't that so irresponsible of her?
That Mei Fun actually supports the May 13 threat so frequently insinuated by the likes of Perkasa and Umno that if the MCA is annihilated in the next election, the Malays would bring out their parangs or machetes to kill ... oops!...the Chinese is simply astounding. What kind of Desperado would say something like that?
Some of us have heard before that this May 13-fear strategy was actually recommended by the MCA because they knew their own community's Achilles heel. But we never believed the MCA could be such treacherous betrayers - now, we are not so sure, are we?
Anyway, with such political lunatics running around, MCA is killing itself. This time no 'oops' because it is surely a fate well deserved for a party that uses such tricks. MCA should realize the majority of Chinese refuse to take it seriously simply because there are too many unprincipled clowns in it.
The MCA is like a big circus, going to all lengths to attract attention while pretending to act like sane politicians. It has reached the stage where the average Chinese avoids the MCA like the plague and cannot be bothered to even give a reason why.
Malaysia Chronicle

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