
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 28, 2012

Cops spend more time on political checkmates than street crimes or road safety

Cops spend more time on political checkmates than street crimes or road safety
Despite half-a-century of development we are still on this unresolved subject matter, i.e. road safety and home security. How come BN?
Lately it is most evident that our men and women in blue are inundated with all sorts of police reports and counter reports plus applications for permits involving political parties. To add to the seemingly insurmountable demands by politicians, are the threats by various politically inclined individuals and bodies threatening to hold protest demonstrations at housing areas and in front of private dwellings.
While the police may reluctantly be forced to stretch their resources to meet the directives and agendas of their political masters, the rakyat meanwhile continue to suffer from street crimes and road safety issues daily.
The number of house break-ins is certainly a problem and nightmare that every household is cognizant of. Each night we take to bed the fear of a possible break-in. Even though we may leave home for a hard earned short holiday, the bolted gates and heavily grilled doors and windows still do not give us peace of mind.
Bikers rule?
The loss of motorbikes and cars is a common experience. Just take a look at the way we have to double secure our vehicles even in broad daylight and right in the city centre.
Adding to the woes of the rakyat is this new trend of motorcyclists zooming in and out on the roads as they ride past left, right and centre of car lanes making it almost impossible for motorists to switch lanes for left and right turns.
The number of scratched body sides and damaged wing mirrors on cars is a common experience for almost every road user. How about the increasing number of motorcyclists being knocked down because of this new unwritten law of riding on our roads?
It is about time that the police force reviewed its priority. It demands that politicians stop abusing their control powers. The primary and fundamental duty is to protect the citizen. Ensuring that there is sufficient deterrent to thwart crimes in our tamans is the role of the police.
Providing reasonably possible police presence with their routine and more frequent patrols will be a great welcome relief for troubled citizens who are virtually living in the fearful shadow of becoming the next victim.
No peace of mind or sense of security
What use is all the development that we parade to the whole wide world when our citizens cannot live in as well as leave home with peace of mind and safety? Our barricaded homes by comparison to our poorer and richer neighbors is a already a glaring contrast. Why? What does it tell our leaders?
In almost every nation, development and progress is commensurate with public safety and zero crimes. In Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka – even in these seemingly poorer nations, the public do not worry about house-break-ins and vehicle thefts.
And in the developed world, crime only awaits the careless and foolish who venture into dark alleys and unknown territories. Their tamans are as safe as their bedrooms.
Can we say the same of Malaysia?
But not to fault the PDRM, we were enjoying very good police coverage in the sixties and early seventies until the politicians took control over the independence of the police force. Right?
More cops on the roads
Likewise, it is about time we had more policemen and women on our roads and city centers. This is the only way to curb and instill better road safety. Look and learn from Thailand. They have policemen on duty all across their country every ten to twenty kilometers.
In fact, it is an everyday experience for the Thais, where you will see a policeman arrive at the scene of a road mishap faster than you can even pull your vehicle to the curbside. Even in the bumper-to-bumper filled roads in Bangkok you can be assured of police presence.
The shifting of the police manpower to support the political checkmate duties instead of caring for the safety and peace of the rakyat is earning the humble men and women in blue a bad name all the time. It is about time that politicians realized that the police are not in force to feed and nurture their political agends.
The role of the independent police force is to provide adequate safety and security for the subjects of His Majesty. Until and unless we come to terms with this reality, we will never improve the safety on our roads and the security in our tamans.
For as long as motorcyclists speed the streets in a freeway style we have zero road safety. For as long as we live in fear in our own tamans we have zero security.
What do we do?
Malaysia Chronicle

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