
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 1, 2012

'Hang Ambiga' row: Damage has already been done

YOURSAY ‘The country is being torn apart and all that our leader can say is ‘I feel like a rock star'.'

Will PM act on two errant Umno MPs?

your sayDisbeliever: Even if Najib Abdul Razak were to reprimand his two Umno politicians involved in the 'hang Ambiga' debacle, it is a little too late as the damage has already been done.

This inaction is seen as one of Najib's weaknesses - indecisive and often flip-flopping.

As the leader of Umno-BN, he should be alert to what goes on within his ranks and should anyone goes out of line such as these two Umno goons, immediate action should be taken to repair the damage.

By keeping silent, it shows that Najib has no objection and probably deems the action of his two MPs as acceptable or that Najib has no leadership quality to be the Umno-BN chief-cum-PM. For this, he may have to pay dearly at the ballot box.

Little Hantu: I don't expect the Umno president to apologise - and my ‘teh tarik kakis' feel the same.

In fact, we think he will come out with gun blazing and further support the stupidity of Sri Gading MP Mohamad Aziz by saying the Bersih co-coordinator S Ambiga deserves it.

Such is the low-class false democrat we have as the prime minister.

ONG: Many other Umno MPs share the same views as MP Mohamad Aziz but, unlike him, they are too cowardly to voice their opinions.

Anonymous_4115: Mohamad Aziz retracted his statement only to avoid offending the BN's partners i.e. PPP and MIC, and not to Bersih's Ambiga Sreenevasan. So his demand for the hanging of Ambiga stands.

Lover Boy: In Parliament, Mohamad Aziz enjoys absolute privilege and is immune to any legal proceedings. It is up to the House to censure him.

The House can only ask him to retract by reason of unparliamentary language being used. To me an apology is something personal, the retraction is because according to him it is within the BN spirit not to offend MIC, PPP and so on.

I personally think Ambiga does not require an apology if there is no sincerity, so now we look at this man. As far as I can see, and all Malaysians can see, is that this is Umno culture - they are violent, racist and they do not give too hoots about other races in this country.

I hope those Indians realised that by sucking up to Umno will get them nowhere and watching PPP chief M Kayveas's antics to get into Umno's good books is sickening, absolutely no dignity or pride.

Fear God Not Man: Mohamad, why don't you shout at those who sold the navy secrets? This is real treason. These people should be hanged. You make yourself a fool when you shouted at the wrong person.

Louis: Najib, this is your chance to show that you are not a racist. Condemn those two MPs and ask them to apologise. You told Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) students to ignore these racist remarks.

Now you have another idiot testing your administration. The whole world knows that you do not have the guts to discipline them.

Botak Chin: Isn't there a Malay proverb which goes like this: "Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak mulut buruk padahnya!" I hope I'm right, somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

If you're a disciplined Malay coming from a disciplined Malay party, you would be very careful before you open your foul mouth and spew venom.

Too bad,, even though you retract your statement the damage has already been done. Buruk padah nya!

Guna Otak Sikit: Not sure how much more we need to stomach the rot and filth before we cut off the gangrene and the country starts anew again.

It is indeed sad to see idiots making revolting statements and the so-called 1Malaysia PM maintaining an un-elegant silence.

The country is being torn apart and all that our leader can say is "I feel like a rock star". You can keep on rocking, but the shame is that we hear scandal after scandal and we hear racist statements, one after another.

One of the greatest racists is an ex-PM. Imagine, a God-given talent and opportunity to do what is good for the country and all he does in his old age is try to tear the country apart. For his own selfish ends, I may add.

Let us hope Pakatan will soon lead us down the path of recovery, both financially, racially and emotionally.

I do not expect all Pakatan leaders are angels, but it is time that they get serious and deliver what is promised. Or else, we will be firmly in the league of despot-run countries.

Anonymous_3f49: A responsible rakyat doing her civic duty in calling for clean and fair elections is now subjected to all manner of intimidations ranging from hawkers to Umno lawmakers. - Malaysiakini

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