
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pakatan’s new deal for Sabah, Sarawak

The Pakatan 2013 Budget is also a pledge for a New Deal for Sabah and Sarawak, comprising five elements.
By Lim Kit Siang
The Pakatan Rakyat’s 2013 Budget recognises and addresses the three “Cs” of corruption, crime and competitiveness – the trio of problems which are the bane of the Malaysian economy.
If unresolved, will condemn the country to  mediocrity and even towards the direction of  a failed state.
The Pakatan 2013 Budget is also a pledge for a New Deal for Sabah and Sarawak, comprising five elements:
  • Reaffirmation of the Kuching Declaration of Pakatan Rakyat of Sept 16, 2012 to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of the people of Sabah and Sarawak in terms of infrastructure development and protection of their fundamental rights in forming Malaysia 49 years ago in 1963;
  • Pakatan Rakyat pledge to honour the increase of petroleum royalty to Sabah and Sarawak (as well as to Terengganu and Kelantan, the other  oil producing states) from 5 to 20%;
  • Establishment of state-owned second-tier oil and gas companies for Sabah and Sarawak (as well as Terengganu, Kelantan and other oil producing states) to benefit from the financial investments made into marginal fields through risk-sharing contracts (RSCs). The state-owned oil and gas companies will be nurtured to be able to compete internationally in the future in anticipation of reduced reserves in Malaysia;
  • A complete and upgraded Pan-Borneo Highway connecting Kuching to Kota Kinabalu and the east coast of Sabah to bring development in Sabah and Sarawak to be at par with Peninsular Malaysia; and
  • Assess the financial impact and viability of upgrading and extending the rail network in Sabah and Sarawak.


  1. Memang PR cuba untuk menarik perhatian daripada penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak sekarang ini.

    1. mcm2 janji PR berikan untuk dptkan sokongan penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak.

  2. Kita dapat lihat sendiri yang mana Anwar sanggup kerap kali turun ke SAbah dan Sarawak dan juga pemimpin-pemimpin PR pun sama melakukan lawatan ke Sabah dan Sarawak. Ini bermakna mesti ada sebab perkara ini dibuat.

    1. Anwar hnya nak jadikan Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai laluan untuk dia menuju Putrajaya.

  3. Pakatan Rakyat's shadow budget goals are "good on paper" but tough to implement under the current environment fraught with uncertainties and challenges.

  4. Pakatan expects government revenue to be at RM197 billion, lower than last year (RM220 billion) with an expenditure of RM234 billion, comprising RM185 billion (operational expenses) and RM49 billion (development expenses).

    They are looking at lower car prices, abolition of tolls and waiver of student loans, with the proposed measures met through plugging leakages.

  5. Economists warned that proposals, such as the waiver of student loans, should be weighed carefully as the implications and trade-offs would be sizeable.

    While highway tolls are a burden, rolling back any of these tolls would impact government revenue.

  6. In the case of the automotive sector, any move to cut prices would adversely affect the second-hand car business and other supporting industries.

  7. Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman believes that the 2013 Budget, will take into account the welfare and interests of the people in Sabah

    1. Sabah certainly needs a huge allocation to develop the state and provide a better life for the people

  8. At face value, it appeared to be populist, commented Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Dr Chua Hak Bin.

    "Presuming that plugging leakages can reduce significantly the fiscal deficit, without serious tax reforms and cutting fuel subsidies, is a brave assumption.

    "The budget -- shadow or otherwise -- appears to be more about political survival than facing up to fiscal realities."

  9. In terms of revenue, the shadow budget has also been unable to target a higher amount as the economy is dependent on the oil and gas earnings from the national petroleum company.

  10. bigger allocation could further boost efforts being carried out to develop the state

    1. Musa hoped that it would further strengthen the comradeship and 1Malaysia spirit among all the people

    2. the increased funding would allow for more facilities in hospitals throughout Sabah and Sarawak.

  11. Barisan Nasional lawmakers have dismissed the opposition's "alternative budget" as a populist move to win the general election.


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