
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 1, 2013

Nurul Izzah shows proof EC received complaint

Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar today showed proof that the Election Commission (EC) had acknowledged receipt her official complaint on her constituency’s electoral roll.

She said her lawyers from Chooi and Company sent out her complaint letters on March 4 before she eventually filed a judicial review on alleged dubious voters in her constituency.

NONEAt a press conference today, the MP produced an acknowledgment of receipt from EC secretary Kamaruddin Mohamed Baria dated March 6, sent to her lawyers.

She said Kamaruddin's acknowledgement, however, merely states that the EC has received her letter and is currently "looking into the matter".

Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia over the weekend reported EC chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof claiming that Nurul Izzah had never filed a complaint with the EC before applying for a judicial review.

Nurul Izzah slammed Abdul Aziz saying, "This is unacceptable from an EC chairperson. This destroys even the little credibility that EC has left.

“It shows that EC is not serious about cleaning up the electoral roll. It's almost close to lying."

The first time MP who unseated three-term Lembah Pantai MP Shahrizat Abdul Jalil in the 2008, is seeking court action to remove over 4,500 problematic voters from her electoral roll.

"I urge the EC chairperson to come clean about this report or resign from his position," Nurul added.

Nurul: EC’s chief registrar failed in duty

Last week, Nurul Izzah and her lawyer Edmund Bon said they had to seek legal recourse to cancel the names of 133 non residents, three who are dead, and 4,637 with unspecified address from the electoral roll.

NONEKlang MP Charles Santiago (left) had last month filed a similar judicial review, but was struck out by the courts as Section 9A of the Elections Act 1958 stipulates that a gazetted electoral roll cannot be challenged in court.

The amendment was inserted into the Act by the government following a court decision deeming the electoral roll during the 1999 Likas by-election in Sabah to be flawed and therefore not valid.

However, Nurul Izzah had applied for the review under Section 25 (2g) of the Election (Registration of Voters) Regulation 2002.

She is seeking to challenge the roll by stating that the chief registrar of the EC has not carried out his duty enabling him to cancel out any names on the roll whic he finds dubious.

Abdul Aziz has reportedly said that EC will defend itself in court against Nurul Izzah's judicial review application.

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