
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Liow: Why blame me? What about the VCD scandal?

MCA deputy president Liow Tiong Lai has shot back at MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek's supporters for blaming him over MCA's poor electoral performance and instead claimed that the latter's sex scandal was primary reason.

"The reasons of our massive defeat was because we have a morally tainted president," said Liow during a press conference at Kuala Lumpur today.

Liow was responding to proposed extraordinary general meeting (EGM) resolutions drawn by twenty MCA central committee members aligned to Chua.

Among others, a resolution sought to censure Liow for allegedly failing in his duties as the general election preparation committee chairperson to make the necessary preparations, implementing an effective strategy and having good media relations.

To justify his claim, Liow said BN component parties had shunned Chua during the general election campaign in May because of his past indiscretions, which involved a tryst with a "personal friend" caught on video.

"During the pre-election house-to-house campaign, we, including the woman, were given negative remarks and insult (by the people) because we have such a leader.

"They even ask us about the VCD," said Liow, who has had a very thorny relationship with Chua since the general election.
It was all Soi Lek

On claims that Liow did not fulfil his election preperation duties, he responded by claiming that Chua was the one who took charge of the preparations and made most of the decisions. 

"I want to stress that a lot of issues that determine the election strategy of MCA was decided by the president.

"He decided on the election candidates. He discussed with BN president about exchanging seats or giving away seats. He decided on how much resources would be received by candidates and he decided on MCA's slogan," he said.

In view of this, Liow said he could not see why he was now being singled out.

Nevertheless, Liow said he was ready to face the EGM because he believed that the central delegates will be mature enough to decide on the matter.
Liow supports resolution on gov't posts

On the resolution proposed by Chua's faction to review an earlier party decision to shun government positions, Liow said he was supportive of the resolution on grounds that it reflected the wishes of the Chinese community.

"Accepting government positions has always been my stand. When I discussed the matter with the Chinese community, NGO and the rakyat, they are calling MCA to review this (decision).

"I've raised the issue long ago and they are only talking about it now," he added.

However, Liow said he will urge the central committee to include an additional resolution to seek the opinion of the central delegates over the central committee's decision to reinstate Tee Siew Keong's membership.

The MCA disciplinary committee had recommended that Tee's membership be suspended because he had accepted a state cabinet position in Johor. 

Tee claimed he had no choice because it was decreed by the Sultan and the MCA central committee had accepted this explanation by a narrow vote and rescinded his suspension.

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