
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 13, 2013

UM denies hosting pre-polls 'brainwashing' event

Universiti Malaya deputy vice chancellor of student affairs Rohana Yusof has denied allegations that university had hosted a political indoctrination event for a group students last month.

When contacted, Rohana said the "Transformasi Minda" programme was a leadership and self-development programme for 43 students from the Sekretariat Al-Falah, a UM student body.
NONE"This programme (Transformasi Minda) was opened to Sekretariat Al-Falah club, they are a club that does voluntary activities such as providing tuition for other students.

"I know the objective of this course, it is a course for character-building and developing leadership skills within the students.

"We conduct various training programme frequently. Last week, we conducted a leadership boot camp at Pahang for Suksis (POlice undergraduate voluntary corps)," she  said.

Last Wednesday, UM students from the Pro-Mahasiswa coalition claimed that the "Transformasi Minda" programme was a "brainwashing" effort for 43 BN-aligned students.

When asked about the fact that number of seats up for grabs during the UM campus elections was the same as the number of participants in the programme, Rohana said that this was purely a coincidence.

"We opened the programme (Transformasi Minda) to 40 students, but we had an extra three students who joined this programme.

"We did not open training programmes to all students because if we expect the number of participation to be 100, in the end only 50 students will turn up. Thus, we opened training programmes to clubs, however, non-member students are welcomed to participate in the programme if they are interested," said Rohana.

NONEShe further added if a training programme was found to be successful, it would be held for other clubs.

On the Pro-Mahasiswa faction's claim that pro-BN and anti-Pakatan Rakyat documents were handed out to programme participants, Rohana said the allegations were false.

“What they (student coalition) said is not true at all. Everything is false. I do not know where they got the documents. I do not believe all of this," said Rohana.
Wasting time

She alleged that some students would put up an act and make wild allegations prior to student elections. 

"I think they are wasting their time and I do not know why they do all these,” said Rohana.

She stressed that her job was to help all students and training them in leadership and having good character was part of it.

penang land scam 290708 fairuzOn having Mohd Fairuz Khairuddin as the "master trainer" for the programme, Rohana said that he was one of UM's many external consultants. She added that Fairuz had requested to be invited to the programme.

Fairuz was former deputy chief minister 1 of Penang. However, he was dropped from the position and later quit PKR to join Umno. He has not responded to repeated requests for comments.

The "Transformasi Minda" programme was held in a resort in Negeri Sembilan between September 18 to 20.
The Pro-Mahasiswa coalition claims that the programme was a covert "brainwashing" programme in the veins of Ops 2020 that was held the year before.

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