
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 26, 2013

Isma: Price hikes all the fault of Umno

How can the people not fault Umno for causing the recent spate of price hikes, NGO Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) asked today.

Lambasting Felda chairperson Isa Samad for telling the people not to fault Umno for this phenomenon, Isma deputy president Aminuddin Yahaya said this showed that Umno leaders were far from the realities faced by society.

“The reason given by Isa is seen as undermining the people, as if we are still living in the 1970s, where there was little access to information. It is the responsibility of our leaders to look after the people,” Aminuddin (left) said.

“Hence, why does Isa say the people cannot fault Umno (as the main ruling party) for the rising costs? They (Umno) decide and implement the policies and hence, Umno cannot avoid from being held responsible,” he said in a statement.

Aminuddin was commenting on aBernama report quoting Isa as saying that the rise in prices could not be avoided by any ruling government and that Umno should not faulted for this.

Even though the rising costs could not be avoided, he said, the government should be smart in managing costs by increasing and aligning the wages of the people.

'The people are feeling the crunch'

However, Aminuddin noted, the opposite had taken place, with the people feeling the crunch.

Costs have been rising and there have been increases in revenue to the country.

“Where has the money gone to? This is made worse following revelations of leakages, as highlighted in the Auditor-General Reports every year, where some matters remain unanswered,” said Aminuddin.

On the impending increases in highway toll and electricity charges, Isma said the highway concessionaires have made billions of ringgit in profit but still wanted to raise the toll charges.

And as for the independent power producers, they too have made billions of ringgit in profit as a result of one-sided agreements favouring them.

“Why must the people be burdened to save the crony companies?” Aminuddin asked, adding that the Umno and BN leaders have to be more responsible in looking after the people's welfare, rather than ensuring profits for the crony companies.

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