
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 19, 2014

What it means to be a Malaysian today.

We're certainly looking at deranged minds at work in the last 6 days or so. Minds that have lost all decency and logic. What IS the pm of this country doing about it, is the question on every level headed member of civil society's head.

Never has in the history of our country, so many fucking retards aka "fucktards" emerged out of the wood-work all at the same time. 

I remember the Al Akram cult that was banned and locked up for deviating from the "real" teachings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and also the Al Mua'ana  sect that "waged war", after stealing a cache of  weapons, against a toilet in a beer factory and took to the jungles of Perak to hide out only to be enticed back to reality with KFC drumsticks and sad melodious P.Ramlee songs. The bottom line is they taught, interpreted and preached  the Holy book to their shallow understanding and looked up to even shallower Arabian preachermen.

The Fatwa Council of Malaysia is the butt of all jokes. Their tag-line goes like that MC Hammer song....."can't touch this, can't eat that, can't say this, can't see that, can't friend them, can't smell that".... ! 

Wtf are these fellows doing to Malaysians and in particular the Muslim Malays ? It started with simple greetings of each other's religious and cultural celebrations in multi-ethnic Malaysians. Along comes these so-called defenders of Islam to stop Malays from greeting other races citing  "fear of religious conversion and national security". Should not Najib arrest all these fellows and close down the Fatwa Council for causing disunity and going on a collission course with his own pet "1Malaysia" project ? 

And the latest is the "mother-of-all-fuck-ups" (here.) I simply cannot see the logic in our English as a spoken language in this country run by "arab-wannabes" dishing out Fatwas (definition- a non-binding judgement on a point of Islamic law "given" by a recognised religious authority ) for using the non-religious and universal R.I.P. !

Have they so soon forgotten we are a permanent member of the Commonwealth and once ruled by the Queen of England ? Perhaps these young half-baked turks actually did not learn that in schools ? Again I squarely blame Anwar and our stupid education system. They have amended, modified and even deleted so much of our once rich history to suit a Arabised-flavoured history and thump their chests with shouts of this"ketuanan" crap. And so now we see at who's expense it has all been ! 

The MahaFiruan Mahathir and El Anwar ibni Ibrahim together have systematically "shackled and imprisoned" the once free Malay minds with a new set of education and history.    

Here is one such product of their combined "indoctrination"effort....this one ugly idiot named Mohd Hazizi Ab Rahman from Isma here who says all infidels ( yours truly included ) will go to hell. ( here )  

And another for your reading pleasure read  all about the one who took pleasure in another's grief ( here ) .....the despicable Zul Noordin of Perkasa ! And if these mullahs had their wish and if by unlucky chance they get to implemented their hudud laws...we'd also be the first nation with the highest number of armless and fingerless citizenry. ( starting with about 80% of our police, immigration and customs departments and 100% mat rempits would have their arms chopped for various offences) ......but hey, wait a minute, corruption and bribery is never addressed as a sin for these mutt-heads. Only speaking English and being Zionist is their "hate-attack" plan....all subtly engineered by Arab muftis and ustads brain-washing, right ?  

For these village idiots, it's written in the Quran in Surah Al-Nisa Verse 145...
"Surely, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire.” (Quran 4:145)
And as for that last picture above, well what can I say....I was just thinking of our "national" bomohs, that's all ! 

Hahahaha.....Shalom and Happy Easter everyone !

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