
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 29, 2014

Najib Jadikan UMNO Tidak Relevan

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I have been noticing that the quality of the topics presented for debate at the UMNO assembly are way below par. 

One fellow said it is UMNO which must determine the leadership of its component parties ie MCA, MIC and so on.  I dont know how this guy thinks UMNO (a society registered under the Societies Act) can even begin to undertake such a thing. 

The best UMNO can do is NOT support component party leaders who may be detrimental to its interests, the interests of the BN and the country. All parties do that to some extent. But direct intervention is not possible and it is not something the party should even be contemplating.

Another speaker said that the Minimum Wages should be raised. No facts or figures were given about the impact of the existing Minimum Wages on unemployment. For surely the Minimum Wage law has caused unemployment. It has also caused inflation.

Another guy has said that  Penang Chinese are strong due to illegal trade. What kind of statements are these?  Then this must mean that when Chinese get involved in legal trade, they become weak. So when UMNO/BN is in power and asks Chinese to be involved in legal trade, the purpose is to make Chinese weak? Thats how it comes across. Legal trade is to make Chinese people weak??

Perhaps as a saving grace, an UMNO Youth speaker from Malacca, one Hameed Mytheen Kunju Basheer (original mamak name and mamak spelling) has said that : 

Immature’ comments by Umno leaders make us laughing stock, says Youth delegate
  • leaders ignorant & immature responses make party laughing stock
  • Umno Youth Masjid Tanah chief Hameed Mytheen Kunju Basheer said 
  • even students were remarking on comments on Umno leaders 
  • party slow..& become the butt of jokes 
  • (leaders) emotional & sometimes show their ignorance
  • create issues that even school-going students are commenting on  
  • young able to evaluate these "immature" answers by leaders
  • leaders not be too hasty in making public statements
  • read up on the issues first
  • youths have a very negative impression of Umno & BN 
I am glad that the Youth delegate from Malacca has the guts to say this at the UMNO assembly. The immature statements will include the

i. 'jangan makan ayam'
ii.  'I will not go to Sabah'
iii. 'we will abolish the Sedition Act' (2012)
iv. which became 'We will not abolish the Sedition Act' (2014)  flip flop 

and other such unthinking statements by UMNO leaders that make the party look like idiots.

According to Bridget Welsh, UMNO has already become not relevant :
  • Najib making Umno less relevant, says Bridget Welsh 
  • Umno losing appeal among more Malaysians
  • Najib cause of pushing party out of political spotlight
  • "outsourcing" traditional role as defender of Malays to Perkasa
  • competing with PAS to be defender of Islam
  • use of government resources & machinery to dispense patronage
  • relegating party to sidelines in government policy.
  • Najib had made UMNO "less politically relevant".
  • Umno has long relied on "racial insecurity" of Malays to maintain power 
  • outsourcing its role "marked the start of Umno's slide to sidelines".
  • these groups taken over position to protect Malay interests.
  • "defender of Islam" moved Umno from "moderate roots"
  • perceived by public as more zealous and hardline 
  • Najib funding Islamic institutions, groups, religious schools & state apparatus
  • strengthened religious bureaucracy within govt
  • making it even more powerful and autonomous
  • Equally damaging to Umno was Najib's use of government handouts 
  •  "replaced the party as the vehicle for wooing voters".
    (BR1M) most visible and widely used during elections.
  • Umno's decline came from "within party leadership itself".
  • distinguishing feature of Najib : displace Umno as dominant political actor
  • Umno unable to respond to public's new political awareness
  • Najib had to tap from "scandal-ridden 1Malaysia Development Berhad fund"
  • Najib diminished Umno by policy-making using "hired consultants"
  • all these pushed Umno back from political front line
  • ironically contributing to own decline
Di sini saya nak tujukan soalan sikit kepada sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan di Utusan Malaysia. Najib memang dah "gone case".  Kalau ikut rentak sekarang, sudah tentu UMNO akan kalah dan BN akan tumbang pada 2018. Apa akan jadi kepada nasib orang Melayu? Apa yang akan jadi kepada nasib tuan-tuan di Utusan Malaysia? Can you survive? Tolong fikir baik-baik.

Kita tidak mempunyai masa yang banyak. Empat tahun lagi pilihanraya akan datang lagi. 

Hari ini ianya dilaporkan bahawa Petronas akan mengalami kemerosotan perniagaan sehingga 25% - 30% disebabkan harga minyak dunia yang merosot.  Sumbangan Petronas kepada hasil kerajaan akan berkurangan antara RM25 - RM40 billion.

Bajet 2015 berasas kepada harga minyak US$100 satu tong. Sekarang minyak sudah turun ke bawah US$80 satu tong. Tidak mustahil minyak akan jatuh ke bawah US$70 satu tong. 

Bukan saja Petronas akan tak cukup duit, tapi ianya akan jadi susah bagi Kerajaan nak bayar BR1M pun. Just wait and see.

Kita perlukan saf pimpinan dan pemimpin tertinggi yang dinamik, yang imaginative, yang creative untuk majukan ekonomi dengan seberapa cepat yang mungkin. 

Kita perlu untuk menjaga hak orang Melayu dan martabatkan kedudukan orang Melayu. Bukan dengan cara ugutan politik, menjerit-jeritkan ketuanan Melayu, mengangkat kain sepanduk (yang hanya memperkasakan si penjual kain sepanduk). 

Agenda yang pertama ialah menyusun semula sistem pendidikan negara. Jangan risau pasal sekolah China atau Tamil. Kita perlu mempertingkatkan sistem sekolah kerajaan. Kurikulum, bahasa pengantar, bahasa Inggeris, sistem melantik dan naikkan pangkat tenaga pengajar (guru, guru besar), mengurangkan pengaruh keagamaan yang ekstrim dan yang membuang masa dan yang memiskinkan (yes memiskinkan) orang Melayu. Ini agenda nombor satu.

Lepas itu kita perlu mengajar majoriti besar rakyat marhaen cara yang baik untuk berniaga. Apakah cara terbaik untuk menjadi salesman yang successful. Mungkin kita perlu ada kurikulum khsusus di sekolah untuk bekalkan anak-anak kita dengan business skills daripada awal. 

Apa itu 'manusia yang boleh dipercayai'? What is a person who can be relied upon? Relied upon to do what? 

Dan kita mesti wujudkan matapelajaran baru - khas untuk anak Melayu - apa itu masa ? What is time?  Kenapa masa itu adalah komoditi yang paling berharga dalam dunia dan dalam kehidupan manusia. Dan kenapa kita perlu senantiasa jaga daripada membazir masa. 

Bagaimana bangsa lain menggunakan "penggunaan masa" sebagai senjata  untuk mengatasi orang lain.

Ini adalah agenda yang sangat besar dan sangat penting bagi masa depan orang Melayu. 

Rasa Pee Em kita paham tak benda ni? Pee Dah.

Tapi sebelum itu, sambil kita terlalu khusyuk memikirkan rombakan semula kurikulum atau membisneskan rakyat marhaen,  macam mana pula jika UMNO/BN di tendang keluar? Tewas?  Apakah DAP akan berhenti rehat  untuk beri peluang kura-kura (tortoise) Melayu mengejar kemajuan kaum lain?  

So kekawan Utusan Malaysia, fikir baik-baik. UMNO sudah tidak relevan. Dan Najib yang tidak relevankan UMNO.

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