
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 28, 2015

FRONT DOOR, BACK DOOR: Cunning & 'dishonest' Hadi looks for ways to reduce hudud fallout

FRONT DOOR, BACK DOOR: Cunning & 'dishonest' Hadi looks for ways to reduce hudud fallout
Seeing potential blockade that stands the way of a forced through hudud law, the cunning Hadi Awang took on another face, and pretext.
He said the private bill to be tabled was not the "Rang Undang-undang Hudud" but only amendments to the "Akta Mahkamah Shariah" so that the shariah courts would have a little more space to implement the hudud law on Muslims.
The tone was softer, the language used milder. But to get things right, the meat was still much the same.
The Kelantan state legislative assembly passed the Kelantan shariah Criminal Code II Enactment 1993 (Amendment 2015).that includes provisions on limb amputation, stone-throwing and death for apostates. If it is not clear cut hudud law, what is it?
The bill to be tabled in the Parliament is Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) that will see its jurisdiction expanded so that the hudud law could be implemented.
This is like the front door is blocked, so we take the back door to get access into the house.
The front door is the Federal Constitution, that will need the support of at least two thirds of all Members of Parliament, whereby the back door is the Shariah Court Act that needs only the support of half the elected reps to get adopted.
What we ought to do now is to guard both the front and back doors properly. No loopholes for PAS to take advantage of.
Moreover, Hadi Awang is not the only thing we need to watch out for. DAP has threatened to sever ties with Hadi, but that's child's play. You cannot unload your responsibilities just that.
There are simply too many Hadis inside PAS. More will pop up if one such Hadi is removed.
And PAS' problem is not just about Hadi Awang. Since the very beginning Islamic state has been the party's unchanging aspiration. It will take the effort of the clerics to put this aspiration to reality.
Hadi Awang is only one of many clerics that is going to execute this task. In the absence of Hadi Awang, other clerics in the likes of Haron Din, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man and Nasaruddin will still carry out the same mission.
PAS follows an ulama leadership structure and only an ulama can become the party's president, who will be watched over by the Syura Council lest there is any deviation from the party's religious roadmap.
There will be no way for non-cleric PAS leaders to challenge the authority of the clerics. Their roles are auxiliary at best, such as helping to shout slogans during elections and saying things that placate non-Muslims so that this will impart a false impression that changes are possible within PAS and there are indeed liberals within the party.
None of the liberals are against the hudud law or Islamic state. Their "liberalism" is only manifested in their smiling faces, Western style suits and some English (and occasionally Mandarin) in their remarks.
So, the "PAS for all Malaysians" during the general elections has now become the "hudud law for all Malaysians." And the "welfare state" championed during the elections is now synonymous with "Islamic state."
Believe them. They are not going to bring you inside the Islamic state through the front door, but will do so by taking the back door.
There are now talks of a "New Pakatan" that will deliver you out of the evil to the Heaven.
Are you going to believe this as well?

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