A new king is ruling over Saudi Barbaria since January this year. King Salman however is old and sick.
The actual ruler of the country is his son and Defense Minister 25++ year old Prince Mohamed bin Salman who is turning out to be quite the barbarian.
Firstly the 25++ year old semi educated desert dweller launched a unilateral war and genocide against Yemen, in which Malaysia almost foolishly participated by sending "logistics" support.
The Saudi attack on Yemen is turning out to be pure genocide. 2100 people have been killed so far.
Now it has come to be known that the recent stampede in Mina that caused over 1200 pilgrims to die was because the moron Prince arrived with a 400 strong security detail to participate in the rituals. His security guys closed roads and walkways which caused an instant congestion of 2.5 MILLION moving human beings that caused the stampede and the deaths.
The Prince immediately fled from the scene and no one has been allowed to mention his presence there.
As a cover up, the Saudis have ordered the beheading of 28 guards who were stationed at Mina to conduct the pilgrims !! This is Saudi Barbaria.
Surprisingly there has been a call for regime change in Saudi Barbaria. One of the other princes has written a letter calling for the King to step down. This has caused quite a stir in Barbaria.

25++ year old Prince Mohamed the Barbarian

Killing Muslims : Saudi genocide in Yemen
The following is from The Guardian Newspaper in the UK.
Saudi royal calls for regime change in Riyadh
Plea by grandson of state’s founder comes as falling oil prices, war in Yemen and loss of faith in authority buffet leadership of King Salman
A senior Saudi prince has launched an unprecedented call for change in the country’s leadership, as it faces its biggest challenge in years in the form of war, plummeting oil prices and criticism of its management of Mecca, scene of last week’s hajj tragedy.
prince said there is disquiet among royal family – and public – at leadership of King
prince wrote two letters calling for king to be removed
“king is not stable condition and the son is ruling kingdom,” the prince said.
king salman
“four or possibly five of my uncles will meet soon to discuss the letters. They are making a plan with a lot of nephews and that will open the door. A lot of the second generation is very anxious.”
public pushing this very hard, people, tribal leaders,” the prince added.
“They say you have to do this or the country will go to disaster.”
- double tragedy in Mecca has raised questions about royal stewardship of holiest site
- Saudi have shrugged off suggestion a senior member of government responsible
- clear on social media and elsewhere people no longer believe such claims
- people inside [the kingdom] know what’s going on but they can’t say.
- problem is corruption in using resources of country
- Saudi legitimacy predicated on claim they manage holy sites and make them safe
- Since no monarchies in Islam legitimacy is fundamental issue for Saudis
- oil price has dropped more 50% in year.
- Saudi withdrawn $70bn (£46bn) from investment funds in face of tumbling oil
- Saudi Arabia’s budget this year based on oil $90 a barrel.
- because of war in Yemen fiscal balance at $110 a barrel
- oil now below $50, fiscal weakness is starting to tell.
- Saudi benchmark All Share index fallen 30% in 12 months
- enough reserves to sustain for one year - very costly for them
- The IMF predicts Saudi Arabia’s budget deficit exceed $107bn this year.
- Yet the budget announced for next year has increased
- king in charge of oil policy together with son Mohammed
- prince also responsible for Aramco.
- Prince Mohammed new arrival to leadership team but most controversial
- still very young, he holds minister of defence, chair of the Council for Economic and Development Affairs, country’s main economic policymaking committee.
- responsible for many of Saudi Arabia’s problems - war in neighbouring Yemen
- Saudis sickened by sight of Arab world’s richest country pummelling its poorest
- criticism mounting Prince Mohammed Salman– nickname “Reckless” – rushed in without military strategy or exit plan
- a war against the Yemeni nation and against Yemen becoming independent
- no legitimate political foundation and it is not what the people want
- Ninety per cent of people in Saudi Arabia don’t want this to happen
- due to absence of a national citizens’ establishment in Saudi Arabia
- Al Saud have put their own interests ahead of the national interest
Conclusion: There are reasons why words like "stupid" and "bodoh" exist in the English and Malay dictionaries respectively. There is such a thing as stupid.
As a society the Arabs have been cursed with a weak intellect for many, many centuries. That is why their society is just falling apart in hatred, racism, sectarianism, poverty, violence etc etc.
Modern education has not helped them much. This is because their traditional, cultural and religious beliefs still dominate their psyche. Hence they remain stupid.
- http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/
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