
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 29, 2015

VAIN & BOASTFUL TO THE END: Is this scandal-filled Najib's legacy - 'I'm the only PM to golf with Obama'

VAIN & BOASTFUL TO THE END: Is this scandal-filled Najib's  legacy - 'I'm the only PM to golf with Obama'
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is still beaming with pride that he managed to golf with United States President Barack Obama last December.
"I am now on record as the only prime minister to be able to play golf with Obama," he quipped at a meet-and-greet session with Malaysian students in New York yesterday.
In a recording of the speech obtained by Malaysiakini, Najib said he did not benefit politically from the golf match.
"I did it because I thought it is a very positive way in which we can develop a personal relationship with the US president. I did it for Malaysia, I did it for my people.
"Unfortunately, the timing was wrong, I didn't get any political dividends," he said to laughter from the audience.
Najib was joking about the flak he received for golfing with Obama while the Malaysian east coast was inundated by floods.
The Washington Post said the golf match was "a rare show of friendship", but warned that Najib's actions since then may threaten US-Malaysia ties, and warranted a rebuke from Obama.
Meanwhile Najib said despite having tee-ed off with Obama, Malaysia is not pro-America.
"Although I have a good personal relationship with Obama, it doesn't mean I will agree or I need to agree to everything that America believes in," he said.
He cited differing stands on Palestine and Gaza as an example.
"I'm also close to China's President Xi Jinping. If I am considered pro-America, I don’t think that Xi will be as positive towards me as he is," he added.
This remark comes amid a diplomatic row in Malaysia after Chinese ambassador Huang Huikang was called to Wisma Putra over remarks he made at Petaling Street.
Huang had said China would not intervene in Malaysia’s domestic affairs but would not sit idle if China's interests are affected.
His visit on the eve of a later-cancelled rally by a Malay group was seen by Umno and Perkasa as foreign intervention. - M'kini

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