
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Malaysia is wounded and bleeding. If only the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak can give us the simple truths and cut all the cryptic promises and piecemeal attempts to buy time, this nation would have been healed and be well on its way to great recovery. And today, Najib and Rosmah need not be screaming that some people are trying to oust them like what happened to Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.
And surely Najib's wife, Datin Seri Dr. Rosmah Mansor being his confidante (given the couple’s recent public proclamation of how leaders and their wives can be of support to each other), should have helped get the truth out and not be a complicit to Najib’s deteriorating public image.
What is so difficult?
All that people want to know is all about big-time money and one-hell-over murder. That is all to it.
People have been asking why was Altnatuya Shariibuu shot dead with gunshots and finished off with C4 explosives and all the related unanswered questions pertaining to the murder. They want the prime minister to command without fear or favor, with crystal clear conviction, that the police and the judiciary must get to the bottom of this most heinous crime.
Swearing in a mosque and spitting out two words, “utter rubbish” is not going to save the country please.
If Najib and Rosmah think that the case is closed, then what about the killers – one is in death row presumably in a Malaysian cell and the other is holed up in a safe sanctuary down under.
PM Najib and Rosmah
Would Najib and Rosmah not concur with public opinion that this case is far from being over and that it should be a top priority concern to save the nation from so much of allegations, suspicions and deteriorating trust issues that now seriously affect even our judiciary and police?
Next is the issue of 1MDB. What is so difficult to throw your books open for all to peer into and acknowledge that all is well and accounted for? We are talking about RM42 billion that is probably in the region of over RM50 billion given our sliding ringgit today.
Do you not agree that the best way to prove your critics and “conspirators” wrong is to show the honest facts and shut them up for good and have a whole nation march for you and Rosmah instead of having to rely on a few thousand in red shirts screaming and breaking tiles with their heads and showing off 'silat' stunts?
To make your life and leadership look even more ridiculous, up pops out another RM2.6 billion that was funneled into your personal bank account. That too suffered all kinds of unwillingness to speak the truth right from the start.
Would you not, Najib, have been wiser to tell of it all upfront so that people can rationally agree with your actions if it is acceptable and ethical?
But in all of the above three issues that are clearly now exploding and spilling over, you did and said the some really silly things one can think of. Are your sages and advisers so dumb?
You swear in the mosque with the hope the naïve villagers are all that matter to solve or take care of any accusations of you and your wife’s involvement.
You cut all media questions with the words “utter rubbish” thinking media will praise you for the perfect answer.
You did this and that and finally found a tough talking front to ward off queries surrounding 1MDB only to confronted with more curious questions that till this date has never abated.
You even got a Menteri Besar just recently to proclaim that it is a “sin” to cast doubts about what you did with the RM2.6 billion. But do you think the world’s financial giants who are now investigating will also drop all investigations?
Now even more questions being raised globally and alleging or suggesting that not only you and your wife but an entire team of Umno leaders may be complicit. That is not helping Malaysia’s image and reputation you will agree.
To rub more salt into the festering wound, your latest verbiage is that people are conspiring to dethrone you. And that this includes foreign countries too.
Oh my God, our country is being attacked! Please Malaysians do something before we lose everything.
Either Najib and his wife tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth and convince all learned professionals and investigators beyond reasonable doubt; or they step down and let impartial, transparent investigations get under way to clear the couple of all blame; or Malaysians demand that there is leadership change.
There is no other way.
The nation needs its resources, time and efforts to quickly battle a looming economic and financial disaster in the world. That is our priority. But this Najib and Rosmah issues are bleeding the nation with so much of political battles and cryptic promises that soon with critical time squandered, we may wake up one morning and find that we are all fighting each other over bread and water for survival. - MAILBAG

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