
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Ahmad Maslan a jack of three jobs, but master of none

YOURSAY | 'His jobs may have different titles, but all are to look after the interests of his boss.'
Perak Boleh: Wow, what a way to "cari makan". First, get a position in Umno, then get elected as an MP and be appointed a deputy minister with two big fat salaries doing nothing productive.
I have to wake up at 6am every morning to cage up my night security dogs, sweep the garden and do my daily marketing at the pasar. Then cook breakfast, send some foodstuff to my ageing aunty's house and then onwards to my office desk.
At 5pm when my office work is over, I go back home to prepare and cook dinner, wash up the dinner plates and cooking pots, etc, wipe the floor and mop it every two days. And then feed and release the dogs and it's already 9pm.
I also have to wipe all the house windows every weekend and heck, I just got only one salary, which has remained stagnant for the last 11 months.
Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Ahmad Maslan, tell me how to get a second job with my little time left to match the inflation caused by our ringgit depreciation?
Odysseus: Ahmad Maslan shows he cannot even comprehend the issue he is trying to tackle. It's about the escalating cost of living. He is advising the common folks to take up more than one job to weather the cost of living.
But the issue here is that the salary for a single job is too low. If one is already earning a lot from a single job, he doesn't need to have the second or third job. So, why must he boast about his three jobs?
He should tell us how much he makes out of these three jobs.
Basically: Ahmad Maslan, you have to be an MP to be a minister, at least that’s the proper way and not be appointed minister through the backdoor. So that's not two jobs.
And your party post is not a job, at least I do not believe party posts are salaried, nor should it be.
Are you saying Umno pays you to be information chief? If that is the case, I would think many would fight for your party post. Our deputy minister seems not to have grey matter between his ears.
Wonglo: Ahmad Maslan, you do not have three jobs. Just one - politician. But one who draws three salaries.
Speechless: There is a difference between titles and real jobs. There is no point in having many titles but barely contributing positively to society. Ahmad Maslan should stop insulting and patronising Malaysians.
FairMind: That's how the term "gaji buta" was coined. A board director has hundreds of jobs as he is a director of hundreds of subsidiaries, drawing salaries and fees from each company, leaving his work to his subordinates while he plays golf.
But does this man work harder than the average person?
Wandering Star: Ahmad Maslan, you cannot handle one job efficiently and you want to brag about doing three jobs?
What are the other jobs - to apple polish Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak?
Keturunan Malaysia: Yes, you can do as many jobs as you want. But only if you are able to give value for money to any one of the jobs. As in your case, each of the three jobs pays very well ... at our expense.
Bornean: Please tell me your working hour for each job, and make sure each does not overlap with the others, or else I consider you are not giving full commitment to them.
We the rakyat are expected to give 110 percent for the job we are doing now.
Touche: The poor have to work two or three jobs to survive, to overcome the spiralling costs of living due to the Goods and Services Tax (GST), 1MDB, etc.n
But the politicians have two or three positions not to work but because they want more opportunities to get rich. Only morons like Ahmad Maslan can't understand the difference.
Mojo Jojo: Yes, you’re a MP, but how much time do you spend directly assisting your constituents?
You may be a deputy minister and Umno information chief, but how much of your time is directly involved in the administration of your ministry and Umno's propaganda department sans assistance?
Don't make it sound like you're a hard worker who works as a salesman by day and a waiter by night. You insult the integrity of those who work hard to earn an honest and decent living to make ends meet.
Anonymous_3e86: The more Ahmad Maslan opens his mouth the more people realise how stupid he is. The three "jobs" are related to one another.
If he is a nobody in Umno, he would not be an MP nor a minister. The problem with him is that he doesn't realise he is that stupid.
Old Timer: Yes, I don't really understand how our MPs and ministers often come up with stupid statements. Wasn't he the one who said Malaysians can cook their own nasi goreng in order to cope with rising cost of living?
His argument that he has three jobs is more stupid than that.
An IQ test should be implemented to evaluate political candidates who stand for election, and definitely for those who are to be appointed as ministers.
Kingfisher: Ahmad Maslan apparently is not familiar with the principles underlying "decent work" and fair wages as a fundamental premise for any responsible contractual obligation in an employment.
His example of his own situation of undertaking more than one job is impertinent as it does not reflect the reality on the ground in a real word situation where many take on additional "work" obligations to augment their "inadequate" living wage from their principal job.
He would have endeared himself to workers if he had explained challenges faced by the government at attempts to have a fair distribution of wealth through progressive employment policies and productivity of labour.
GE14Now!: How many servants and maids do you have at hand to do the things that most ordinary Malaysians have to do by ourselves? You probably have a driver too, don't you?
The sheer arrogance and ignorance that you display is quite breath-taking but this is what you get when you vote for BN. This corrupt government tells you to wake up earlier to avoid the tolls and then tells you to get a second or even a third job.
And while the average Malaysian is working his or her guts out, and paying taxes, this government tries to hide RM2.6 billion, which anyone with half a brain can see is not a donation.
Justine Gow: His three jobs may have different titles, but all of them have the same function, that is - to look after the interest of that someone with that RM2.6 billion "donation". -Mkini

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