
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 2, 2016


For someone who has broken so many laws (but helped by the Attorney General to escape prosecution), Najib Razak is no longer fit to be the prime minister anymore.
The fact that he lied to us all about receiving the money, and then tried to deflect it by saying he never used that money for personal benefit, can be good enough reason for him to lose his premiership.
And now, another lie is about to be exposed. Apandi Ali had mentioned in an interview back in February 2016 that the donor for the billions of ringgit in Najib’s personal bank accounts was one of the late King Abdullah’s son.
This came about to cover up the initial lie made by Zahid Hamidi (he said he had met the donor, of which it was discovered the late King was already dead in 2015).Also the lie by a ‘well-placed Saudi source’ which indicated that the late King Abdullah himself made the donation. The lie was carried by the BBC and this was used by the sycophants to spread it to all who want to believe them.
Our world infamous PM, shamelessly caught telling a lie. And got it published in the world famous Fortune Magazine.
But Apandi Ali had made a statement that MACC had met the donor during their investigations. And again this was something that is impossible to do. So Apandi Ali had to change the narrative – the billions came from Abdullah’s son.
But few days ago the ABC News ran a story which had exposed a letter purportedly used as back up documents to justify the transfer of huge money in the banking system. This letter was again used by the idiotic sycophants that yes, the money came from Saudi Arabia (which was then splurged by Najib Razak to buy millions of luxury items for personal use to fight ISIS).
The question now is, in this fairy tale of Najib Razak, how many crazy Arabs had become the donor?
Actually, Apandi is also clueless. A clueless public prosecutor? They used to exist only in banana republics.
The MACC themselves had said that there is only ONE donor.
The letter exposed by ABC News had two names on it:
1. HRH Prince Saud Abdulaziz Al-Saud
2. Saud Abdulaziz Majid Al Saud
There is a third name which was mentioned in their article:
3. Prince Faisal bin Turkey bin Bandar Alsaud
Note that searching these 3 names in the internet is not easy since these ‘princes’ don’t seem to exist.
Secondly, none of them are the late King’s son because none of them bears the name Abdullah as their father’s name.
The late King Abdullah has a son named Majed (not Majid), full name – Prince Majed bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who was caught in Los Angeles back in October 2015 for using cocaine, being drunk, threatening female employees, and having gay sex with a male employee. He is only 29 years old. Is this the same prince as ‘Saud Abdulaziz Majid Al Saud’ above?
The second name, Saud Abdulaziz Al-Saud is also non-existent. The closest we had is Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al Saud. He is actually the grandson of King Abdullah via the late king’s daughter. But he was found guilty in 2010 for murdering his male servant and now serving jail sentence in a Saudi prison.
The third name is Prince Faisal bin Turkey bin Bandar Alsaud. There is a Faisal Bin Turkey Bin Faisal Al Saud and also a Faisal Bin Bandar Al Saud. But there is no Prince Faisal bin Turkey bin Bandar Alsaud.
Did these two merged together to form a mutant prince? Anyway, this third name is probably fake too because it was just a named signed by someone making the deposits at the other end of the transaction. Anyone can just give a fake name when banking in money. It’s the account number and the name of the recipient which must not be wrong (Mr X – aka Najib Razak). Otherwise the transaction will not get through.
Besides using the money meant for UMNO (he said this so many times) to subsidise his luxurious lifestyle and his opulent wife, he was also caught spending it to buy loyalty and favours from academicians, politicians and lawyers!
Cheques were freely given away.
His meteoric rise as the son of the late Tun Abdul Razak, helped along the way by the people that loved his father has descended to an all time low.
It is funny to see exasperation coming from people who desperately try to defend the indefensible. By now, we all know Najib Razak is a morally decadent, globe trotting brat; a greedy merchant of the opulent life and a flagrant seller of the nation’s coffer.
People have soon realised that there is nothing beneficial that can come from his head. Only greed, lies and the decaying habit to preserve his position. A leader that abuses his power and position, and at the same time very afraid to lose it, is a dangerous leader. We have entered the world of the Marcoses and Pinochets.
Let us pose this question to all the bumbling idiots who are seemed so sure the money did not come from 1MDB – how sure are you that these arab people use their own money to channel back into a personal bank account in Malaysia?
You people cannot be sure because all of you are not Najib. Neither are you Jho Low. So please stop pretending that you know the real picture and blurt out stupid defence through the media.
Somebody was so stupid, the only defence he could give out was that ‘girls like handbags and jewellery’ (in defence of Najib buying millions worth of jewels and other luxury items) and ‘at least her bracelets were not up to her elbows’!
Is this game over?
It will just be a matter of time before WSJ or Swiss Authorities published documentations to show that money that went through Tanore and Falcon Bank actually came from a company affiliated with 1MDB. They had just given a glimpse in the chart below. But the evidence will come through. Slowly but surely, Najib Razak and his sycophants will be stripped naked for the world to see.
Multi layered companies used to siphon out money for personal spending.
Just like how a minister once said – ‘It is game over if Najib admits the billions he received is corruption’.
This is true. A thief and the corrupt will never admit ever receiving illegal money.
It is up to the judiciary to find them guilty. But we have a half past six Attorney General who is reluctant to prosecute the Prime Minister. We wonder why…
Apandi Ali had said that should there be new evidence, the MACC can investigate and he will reopen the file on Najib Razak. This is a good time to do the right thing Apand Ali. Be a competent and an effective Apandi Ali. Not a half past six Apandi Ali. - jebatmustdie.wordpress.com

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