
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Low level of intelligence, but high level of corruption

YOURSAY | ‘Interestingly, the education budget was the first to be cut last year.’
Aziz Kader: Najib Abdul Razak, you are wrong; the basic salary when I graduated with an engineering degree was RM1,900/month in 1988. Now a fresh graduate engineer’s basic salary is RM2,500, an increase of RM600 or 32 percent.
Meanwhile, the price of sugar in 1998 was RM0.55/kg, now it’s above RM3.50/kg, an increase of 600 percent. What do you mean higher education will provide a higher salary?
Labis Guy: Yes, it is not the low level of education. For example, a diploma holder and a retired ‘guru besar’ (headmaster) like me, I have been finding it hard to make ends meet.
We live a simple life. The extra 6 percent of Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been very hard on us.
Avatar 111: Najib, that’s not entirely true. I think good government and governance is even more important.
Otherwise, you cannot inspire and retain your talent pool and as such you lose big time in creating good and sustainable economies, resulting in low incomes. Just look at Singapore.
Anon1: You mean low level of intelligence but high level of corruption by those tasked with leading the country?
ACR: Interestingly, the education budget was the first to be cut last year. Even so, common sense would tell you that cost of living should be representative of the average earnings of the people.
The average Malaysian workers has SPM qualification. Perhaps 15-20 percent are tertiary educated.
I am really worried for this country if answers like this come from the finance minister.
Nippon: Low level education? Please sir, do talk some sense rather than trying to give lame excuses. For years, you have been proud of churning out poorly skilled bumiputera graduates.
It is not low level education that is the problem. It is your administration. The fault lies with your leadership and policies.
Existential Turd: The alleged thief stole from the victim and then blames the victim for living beyond his or her means.
These question and answer (Q&A) sessions with Najib is a waste of Parliament’s time and taxpayers’ money.
Daniel: But your Kedah MB only has SPM, no? And that "significant portion of the people" with "the low level of education" seems to be the product of your 50 years of (N)o (E)cononic (P)roductivity.
After years of claiming great educational success and even sending a glorified passenger into outer space at great taxpayers' expense, you seem now to contradict yourself.
In case you are really clueless, just take a look at the highly qualified ex-Malaysian diaspora all over the world. Contrast that with the people in political high places here with fake degrees, and many with degrees from half-past-six local universities.
Ace: How can we expect 100 percent of the population to be degree holders? With the high cost of living, even the degree holders are living from hand to mouth nowadays.
Hopeful123: Mohd Ali Baharom aka Ali Tinju represents only a very small minority of the Malays. Most of the Malays prefer to keep their distance from him.
The Malays realise that they (or their kindness and peace-loving character) are being used by people like Ali Tinju and gang for their own self-interests.
The Malays also appreciate the kindness and sacrifice by DAP leader Lim Guan Eng to protect a young Malay girl from the clutches of an arrogant and cruel Malay leader years ago. Guan Eng was jailed for the brave act.
Malays are not so "muda lupa". They are grateful for such kindness shown by anyone, irrespective of race, colour or religion. Kudos to our Malay brothers and sisters.
Anon1: "I am not racist, I am just racist in defending the rights of Malays," said Ali Tinju.
Can you find any other or more deserving person to receive today's Moron of the Day award? He just outdid our ministers with this gem of a statement.
Anonymous_1371547149: I don't understand why DAP would bother to entertain this man by acceding to his demand to only pass the memorandum to a Chinese. That is playing into his racist hands.
Santana: These are samseng hired by Umno to divert attention away from the alleged mega corruption involving Najib.
The rakyat are not stupid as we know that Umno Malays are the ones cheating the Malays and the country, and the Chinese are law-abiding taxpayers contributing to the economy, while the Chinese entrepreneurs are helping the Malays by creating thousands and thousands of jobs.
Gaji Buta: Ali, is it a 'thank you' note for all the 'donations' that the Chinese community have given and are still giving to your types? -Mkini

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