
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 27, 2016


The resignation of Abu Kassim Mohamed, chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), on his third attempt has sent the rumor mills locally and abroad abuzz over why he was so fervently wishing to leave office. While to speculate and to assume is morally wrong, there are glimpses of truth emerging that the actual reasons for his leaving is the political interference of the executive in the running of investigations by MACC and the reason of wanting to serve at the international level, of accepting a prestigious job offer overseas, is seen as merely a way to escape from the horrendous manipulation of the organization.
Prior to being the custodian of law and order in matters related to corruption, the MACC was known as the Anti-Corruption Agency but former prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, wanted it to give birth to MACC to be an organization with more bite at combating the rising tide of corruption in Malaysia.
But let's face the facts. Corruption has shot over the roof in this country to eclipse the menace of dadah addiction as Public Enemy No.1. There is no denying the fact as well that after China, India and Indonesia, Malaysia is considered in a number of corruption indexes as the fourth-most corrupt country in the world.
The bite the MACC was supposed to have is not there and they have in actual fact and truth become a whimpering beaten dog with its tails hidden between its hind legs running for cover from the ballast of the top brass in this country who are able to be above the law in this country and beyond MACC's purview.
This leaves the country in a dismal state and Malaysians of all walks of life are beginning to wonder when will there be real checks-and-balances against the widespread prevalence of not only corruption, but also of cronyism, collusion and nepotism. When will these long drawn sagas come to an end and let democracy once again flourish.
The corruption dilemma
The truth is Malaysian anti-graft officials like Abu Kassim should not be going abroad to serve, they should be allowed to serve with distinction and pride, free from fear and favor, in this country. But it looks as if such a scenario in the convoluted Malaysia of today is not possible.
It takes years to train and groom an anti-graft official and the fact that he is more in dire need here in this country while being perfectly understandable is, however, not appreciated seemingly by the higher up's that govern this country.
This is why the attempts by the governing Barisan Nasional (BN) is poor and weak and lacks political will and clarity as almost everyone in this country has come to know through social media that a fish rots from the head.
The rot that has set in within the BN government is now beginning to fester and manifest itself in the country through a sinister but certain way that is eroding the powers not only of the BN government but also leading to a breakdown of law and order and the ensuing free for all is set to lead to the collapse of the nation.
Malaysia has for some years now been viewed as a rogue nation and there is hard and fast and credible evidence that the rot has already set in deeply and it is really a matter of time before the nation begins to implode as there are also signs that these time-bombs have begun ticking for a while.
Whatever are we to do?
The corruption dilemma has also come to become the Malaysian malaise which is expected to strike the deadly blow that will bring the beast of corruption to its knees and this can only come about as more and more Malaysians begin to identify and realize who are the corrupt and what to go about doing to save this country from becoming a basket case.
It is not just the voter who votes, but the duty of every Malaysian, every man, woman and child to fight the ugliness and destructive force of corruption with all their might and forcibly vanquish it from our shores by standing up and being counted in the fight against these deadly evil by evil leaders.
This is what will root out corruption forever, the people of Malaysia, the rakyat standing firm and sure and certain that they will no longer stand by and watch idly while this nation is being plundered and looted at will by evil, corrupt leaders. It is people power, the people of this nation coming together and standing united and firm in their fight against corruption which will solve the problem permanently and put an end to the destruction of this nation.
This is why it is imperative that concerned politicians, individuals and organizations embark on an elaborate campaign to educate every Malaysian fully on the dangers and evils of corruption so that this nation can be saved from being damned forever. - MAILBAG

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