
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 27, 2017

Murad Recovers From Amnesia, Lapses Into Selective Memory

Murad Khalid, long time ago deputy governor in Bank Negara and Anwar Ibrahim's (who was Finance Minister at that time)  "bebudak" has given an interview about Bank Negara Malaysia's infamous forex losses of the 1990s. 

Anwar Ibrahim was Finance Minister at that time. 

Ganesh Sahathevan has written about the matter in his blog. Here is Ganesh Shathevan :



Murad Khalid is right, more than USD 10 B in cash was lost, and Najib's aide Hardev Kaur has the answers,  and should step forward with the truth of her role in the cover-up

So refreshing to see this attempt at honesty from one so tainted by his central role in the banking scandals on the 90s,  inlcuding Bank Bumi.

Nevertheless, he is not wrong in what he has told the NST. It is true that the forex losses totalled more than USD 10 billion, but that must surely include the period 1994-1997 when one Anwar Ibrahim was in power,  and Murad was his able henchman, or at least acolyte.


I am referring here specifically to two significant losses of foreign reserves by Bank Negara in October 1995 and then again February 1996. 

On each occasion Bank Negara reported a loss of 3 billion ringgit, or about 3 percent of its total reserves over a period of just a fortnight. 

Given exchange rates at the time the total loss of RM 6 Billion would have been worth USD 2.5 Billion.

This might be well short of the USD 10 Billion that Khalid now claims was actually lost, but at 25% of the total sum, hardly insignificant.

While this writer managed to get the facts out via that story in the link above in 1998, initial attempts to investigate the matter in 1996 were frustrated by Anwar Ibrahim and Bank Negara. 

Ably assisting Bank Negara in the cover-up and disinformation was the then editor of Business Times, one Hardev Kaur.

Datuk Hardev Kaur has since become some sort of media adviser to Prime Minsiter and Finance Minsiter Najib Razak.  She is more than able to provide us more and better details as to how much was lost and exactly where that money went to.  

To paraphrase Bank Negara's response to this writer's queries in 1996,  speak to Hardev who has the answers to your questions. 

My comments :  Well that is what Ganesh Sahathevan has said. Dia yang cakap. Bukan saya cakap. Ok.

My view is this is becoming ridiculous.   This is just another lame attempt at smearing Dr Mahathir's name.  I say, Super Moron's Media Team, you guys are really scraping the bottom of the shit hole.  I hope you wash your hands before eating kari kepala ikan with your fingers ok?  

Just a few days ago, you came out with the ridiculous CIA Report about Dr Mahathir and the BMF scandal. That one really backfired on your faces.

The same applies for this latest "revelation" by Murad.   

Firstly the Finance Minister at that relevant time was Anwar Ibrahim - who was Murad's boss.  Does Murad have anything to say about that?

Secondly there were two people more intimately involved in Bank Negara's multi billion ringgit (or dollar) forex losses. One was the late governor Jaafar Hussein. But poor Jaafar Hussein was not involved in the actual day to day running of the Forex Trading Room. That was the job of the other character, who was a Bank Negara Advisor at that time, who was later fired from his job for the huge fiasco.  

How come Murad does not mention the Advisor's name?

The bigger surprise is when Super Moron became MOI the same person was appointed a Cabinet Minister.
And its not over yet - the same person who was directly responsible for Murad's version of US$10 billion forex losses in Bank Negara in the 90s now runs the biggest GLC in town, as a deputy to none other than Super Moron himself.

The point I am making is - if you want to recollect the "facts" do not be selective.  
I also have another question. How much of the US10 billion forex lost by BNM in the 90s ended up in Dr Mahathir Mohamed's private, personal bank account in Ambank? 

If Murad says the loss was US10 Billion or about RM27 Billion, was there are small change like say RM2.6 Billion that went into Dr Mahathir personal accounts? 

Can Murad enlighten us? Dont leave out the relevant facts brader. Dont be selective.

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