Now in university, he says he only realised it was sexual assault after seeing a movie, and is glad that the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill 2017 has been tabled in the Dewan Rakyat.
According to a report in The Star, Ahmad (not his real name), said his father was still unaware of the incident.
Also, like many other child survivors of sexual abuse, Ahmad did not make a police report because he did not then know what he had experienced was sexual assault.
Ahmad told The Star he only realised it was sexual assault when he watched the movie The Kite Runner at the age of 12. He then confided in his mother, who blamed herself for weeks.
Ahmad was quoted as saying: “I had to sit in my room pretending I didn’t hear my mum crying and praying for forgiveness.
“We didn’t know what to do. It was 2007 and this was a rare and stigmatised issue, so the only people who knew what happened are my mother, sister and grandmother.
“It was so hard the first time; I don’t think I can go through it again (with my father).”
Ahmad said his father was so busy that they would only call or message him when there was something serious or something that wouldn’t take much of his time.
“When (the abuse) happened, my father was on his way to becoming an MP, so my mother and I didn’t want to distract him.”
“I know he should know what happened, but I cannot stand the idea of him feeling like this was his fault for being too involved in work and if he hadn’t been too busy he could have prevented it.”
The Star, which has been campaigning against sexual crime through its reports, related this incident to show that anyone can be the victim of a sexual crime and that everyone has to be careful.
According to the report, studies show that one in 10 children will experience some form of sexual abuse before they turn 18. For girls, that number could be as high as one in five, it said.
The report, however, did not give details about who carried out the study and when.
The Star report said Ahmad was confident his father would support the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill 2017.
Ahmad said: “This bill is the start of something big. Previously, our laws weren’t focused enough on the children.”
The bill was tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on March 28. Among other things, it addresses the issue of corroboration of evidence for child sexual abuse victims, the credibility of evidence from victims in child sexual crimes, and the setting up of a special court to hear such cases. -FMT
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