
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 2, 2017

MACC chief, rakyat are watching you too

YOURSAY | ‘The claim that you are the people's agency rings hollow.’
Aries46: MACC chief commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad has reminded DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang that the people are watching him and the opposition.
Lim made a perfectly legitimate call on the vetting process for action on those implicated in the 1MDB heist since you publicly announced that only Umno had furnished its name list for vetting.
What is the purpose of submitting a name list to MACC unless it has the gumption to flag those complicit in high-level corruption and the 1MDB global scandal sticks out like a sore thumb?
Going further, where do you draw the line on alleged concealed high-level corruption by the ruling elites? Where is the credibility for MACC’s often trumpeted claim of independent status?
And how can MACC claim the moral high ground and play the national watchdog on corruption when it stands exposed and powerless to take on the elephant in the room?
Sans Prejudice: Indeed, it is the other way around, Dzulkifli. You, not the opposition, are actually under the rakyat's microscope.
The claim that you are the “people's agency” rings hollow because we didn't put you there in the first place, did we?
The rakyat are clamouring for answers to what the Department of Justice (DOJ) described as the biggest kleptocracy case in the US.
With the humongous 1MDB elephant prancing in the room with the incriminating evidence of massive kleptocracy already registered and action taken by the foreign courts of law, there has not been even a squeaky response from MACC.
So how can you claim to be our agency even though we pay your wages? The day MACC becomes truly independent and transparent, only then can it claim to be the “people's agency”. Right now, we have doubts about your loyalty.
Fair Play: Dzulkifli, how true. The rakyat is also watching closely how you fight and prevent crimes. Until the RM2.6 billion case is solved and all the alleged thieves are jailed, MACC will be found wanting.
On the other hand, Kit Siang is just an opposition MP and the alleged thieves are not members of DAP.
Kit Siang has already said this - show the public the names of those who are connected to 1MDB and who will be candidates for the 14th general election (GE14) and DAP would accede to your request.
Such a simple request and yet you could not consider it.
Fellow Malaysian: If MACC is impartial and truly independent from the government's influence, scores of GE14 candidates from BN-Umno would have been rejected from standing for the reason of being linked to the 1MDB heist alone.
Of course, top on the list is Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
Dzulkifli ought to issue another challenge to charge Kit Siang for saying that 90 percent of the rakyat would consider MACC to be the tools of the Prime Minister’s Department if an opinion poll were held.
Abasir: “The rakyat are watching”? Big deal. The rakyat has been watching Najib and all those named in the 1MDB heist. Nothing's happened. Why?
Because the MACC has not been watching but instead looked the other way.
Wira: Dzulkifli has hit out at Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Paul Low's proposal for a new Department of National Integrity and Good Governance (JITN).
Is Dzulkifli a civil servant or an executive of the Malaysian cabinet? How dare a civil servant question a cabinet minister?
If he has any complaints, he should be directing that to his boss and not to the minister whom he is taking offence with.
Ravinder: Why can't anyone audit the integrity and performance of the MACC and the police?
During former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's time, an independent commission to investigate complaints against the police was proposed. The police were dead set against it and the proposal had to be watered down. The government gave in to the police by doing so.
Will it now treat the MACC the same way? Isn't it a case of insubordination for the MACC chief to castigate the minister so arrogantly? Would he do the same if the minister were from Umno?
BH Yap: There is now a "need" for JITN because of the perception that the MACC is not independent when it is supposed to be. True, more ikan bilis are being prosecuted but that does not prove independence.
So the JITN is now proposed to oversee the integrity of the MACC, but is the JITN as independent as it is supposed to be?
Will there be yet another agency proposed later to oversee the integrity of JITN? Why not make MACC truly independent so that the image of the government really improves?
Who knows, if the MACC is truly independent, and prosecutes without fear, the value of the ringgit might just improve. And this will make the Malaysians a lot happier.
Anonymous 568201438363345: MACC is to be monitored by JITN? And who is going to monitored JITN? And who is going to monitor the one that is monitoring JITN?
Odysseus: Dzulkifli, if you think you are truly independent, please tell us to whom do you report to?

If it's not the king or Parliament directly, you are not independent. After all, there's someone you need to please to safeguard your rice bowl.- Mkini

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